Sibling sport. For size comparison and what to expect for each Studio Monitor's shipping crate, this photo tells all…

… whilst this graph suggests perfect crossover implementation when one considers how the ~1.8kHz hinge sums in the frequency response.

By January 23rd

… the long-awaited Duelund order of 40-some Ziploc bags of audiophile gold had arrived and Hendry got busy populating his Up3/Up4 boards with luxury crossover bits. My day of reckoning was at hand. Would it be flush with aces? Anyone working with these parts in volume best be flush with the absinthe-colored stuff. Pale vermouth won't do. Crickey! To give prospective buyers properly warm fuzzies, I asked Hendry for a photo to show off the raw drivers and parts going into each pair of Studio Monitor Up3. Pride of ownership. With my Balinese commanding $11'125/pr, the question of relevant competition arose to take their measure. I had our resident sound|kaos Vox 3awf at €10'313/pr. Børresen Acoustics Z1 at €10'000/pr were inbound for their review. That meant 3 compacts for 3 distinct genre approaches: 2-driver 2-way for the Dane, 3-driver 2-way for Hendry's, 4-driver 3-way for the Swiss.

Curiously, here all designers voted ribbon for tweeter. The Studio 3up and Vox 3awf share a fondness for the Serbian Raal, the Z1 gets Michael Børresen's own. All use ports. Ours dress in solid cherry, the two others use HDF cabs painted flat or high-gloss lacquer. The Swiss and Dane come with their own stands, the former at an agreeable €445/pr, the latter at a far more buttock-clenching €2'400/pr. Hendry's room shows his own stands. I told him not to bother. I have equivalent Track Audio specimens. His ship fees would be stout as is. Why pile onto them? With a pair of €12'000 Kaiser Furioso Mini on the books as well, should they arrive before the Vermöuth were due back, my comparative games could get more interesting still.