Conclusion. Due to the tremendous popularity of digital playback, it's become increasingly difficult for manufacturers to author a DAC which stands apart. As a reviewer with more than a decade under his belt, I've seen and heard dozens of products in this category but nothing quite like today's.

At first the Echo's End might look and feel too modest for its price. Soon its purposeful minimalism struck me as liberating. LED, knobs, switches and selectable filters can quickly become distractions. Why not go for a well-made hassle-free alternative that's always ready for action? Such simplicity isn't a cop-out but elegant.

The LessLoss Echo's End shows how commonly available components can be pushed when aided and abetted by the company's current noise-suppressing solutions. If this product's value is judged by its individual parts and not the major enablers between them, the whole point would be missed. That's why I strongly suggest to view the Echo's End's external and internal minimalism as essential to its truly stout performance. All things considered, if a plug‘n'play brilliantly voiced purist DAC is on your hit list, today's fits the profile to perfection. That's a bull's eye, right here right now.