Before we do, let's cast a quick glance at Métronome's Bentley in the same garage. It's their Kalista DreamPlay Twenty-Twenty, an ambitious project to extend the company's digital expertise to the highly complex mechanics of vinyl replay. Without a single record in our crib, you wouldn't blame Jean Marie for withholding those keys. Before we ignite today's digital engines, there's the obligatory look beneath their hoods to document what hardware your money buys; and how their respective power supplies diverge. That's where we expect the majority differences.

But first, the small print. Moving parts and critically aligned laser assemblies age with use. For just €200, Métronome offer a peace-of-mind 5-year warranty. For the Player 3/3+, you'd be a fool not to get that. Whether you'll want to spend €45 on three optional Delrin footers or €53 on a remote control is a question of luxury not an essential decision. But do protect your investment in drawer transport mechanics. Two-way shipping and replacement sleds or repairs surely would cost you more. Again, friends don't let friends drive the spinning digital highways without proper insurance. And Métronome's is very proper. Cheers.

The one-box Player 3+ allows coax and USB access to its built-in DAC.

Le Player 3+, the one-box DAC/CDP here in black livery and still looking for a non-existing disc in its drawer …

… packs 1 x 5VA and  2 x 7.5VA transformers plus 40 smaller capacitors. The encased transport mechanism is obviously shared with the pure transport.