"The second important factor besides diameter was insulation. Here it's important to avoid electrostatic charge as that creates distortion, less air, less 3D imaging and can influence the timing as well. Also, mechanical vibrations must be reduced. The third key point were the connectors. We tried from €10 – €350 parts, in total 35 pieces. Our criteria were dynamics, bass control, cleanness, flow, swing and 3D imaging. Finally we found one supplier who offered a fantastic product at a reasonable price which performed on the same level as an excellent product from a recommended competitor at a much much higher price. We preferred the Rhodium version which sounded more neutral/precise than gold or silver which created their own distinctive sound.

"Some manufacturers are actually using their power cords as equalizers. It can be argued that sometimes it may be necessary if components in the chain are exhibiting a specific character which needs to be compensated. But this is not our intention. We prefer a clear uncoloured chain as well as cables. As a result, our power cord can be used everywhere without any known restrictions. We are using them for our ESL as well as for our 400-watt power amp.

Power conditioner: "For almost 43 years, hifi and music have been my hobby already. During this time I tested not only components and accessories but cables and add-on units like power conditioners and various AC filters. One key point I learned is that the basis for everything with regard to audio is simple physics. Unfortunately in high-end audio, may don't accept physics and therefore we have a lot of expensive voodoo which can frustrate the customer a lot. I myself was an end user for 30 years, spending a hell of a lot money with low satisfaction. And week after week I'm still contacted by similarly frustrated people today.

"I wondered why sometimes a power filter would work well, sometimes poorly and sometimes contribute nothing. They should always show a clear benefit. We started analyzing such units to find out why and I consulted engineers to do measurements for me to make it clear and understandable. The fact is that a power filter must be developed for each unit individually like a crossover network for one special loudspeaker driver. Even a standard conditioner will work to some extent but it shows mistakes in impulse, phase and targeted frequency response. As a result the filter sometimes gives a sound with less dynamics, is dull or aggressive, thin or spacey. If you do measurements you can see this – ringing, different rising edges etc. Basically it forces the end user to endure a trial and error process to achieve positive results. Is this the right way? No. As an industry, we have to give the client a properly designed tool which can work together with an electrostatic speaker or a power amplifier or a CDP.

"Primarily, there are two negative influences. One is the power grid. The other is electro smog. Electro smog has been growing rapidly in the last few years with the proliferation of more W-LAN, Bluetooth, wireless units, mobile phones, laptops and more and more switching power supplies. Many people debate this but it's easy to measure and hear. For the grid problem we developed a small circuit without any negative effect or limitation. For the electro smog we use treated elements from Gabriel Tech who have a lot of experience in reducing electro smog in rooms or houses. Of course you need proper knowledge on how to best use these elements. Implemented properly they can solve a lot of problems not only in listening rooms. For example, our 50Hz and 60Hz grid frequencies are one of the key disturbances in listening to music. It's dominant in measurements because almost no unit can filter it out. We have key room resonances between 50 and 65Hz and it seems that the grid frequency moves around in houses and rooms. For many years the audio community tried to solve this resonance problem with bass traps. Using Gabriel Tech products, the resonance disappears and tube trap becomes  unnecessary. Our PCD 1 can be used everywhere in any combination: in front of the total system and/or with any single unit. Many users start with one PCD 1 for the total system and buy more until every component has its own PCD1. The effect is great – more dynamics, more room sound, better focus, transparency like a cleaned window and there is no restriction regarding power consumption."