One of David Laboga's cables connecting server to DAC did a great job but two of them seemed to increase its advantage over the ones I'd used so far. The further improvement was smaller than when comparing single cables but there was no doubt that two Emeralds added up extra. If you use any USB signal enhancers which require two USB cables, start with an Expression Emerald USB cable for sending signal to your DAC. Depending on the cable you've used so far, you should notice a significant improvement of the sound quality in the areas I described. Later add another to the mix and see for yourself whether the extra investment justifies itself. In my system, the answer was a resounding yes.

Summary. Using David Laboga's cables in my system, I was able to test them in various setups. Each time the conclusions were similar. It's a very 'analogue sounding' USB cable. It plays extremely smooth, fluid and refined, offers high resolution and shows a wealth of information in a very clear and precise way against a pitch-black backdrop. On top of that it renders a huge precisely mapped soundstage and reproduces the acoustics of any recording very convincingly. It's not the type of kit that sweeps you off your feet the second you plug it into your familiar high-class system. You will learn to appreciate its value gradually. The moment of absolute clarity will likely come when, after listening to it for a longer time, you switch back to your previous cable. Even if it's a really worthy competitor, Emerald should prove its mettle. It's very likely that you find the Emerald USB cable to offer you more music in the music so to speak. It does so without sacrificing resolution, precision, dynamics, PRaT or anything else. If that's what you're looking for, make sure to try the Emerald. It doesn't cost a fortune but may well be that piece of the puzzle which finally shows you the full potential of your system – even if it is quite an expensive system…