If I were pressed hard to hear any differences between the LessLoss and Boenicke mates, there were two. The Swiss was a bit leaner and rendered images closer so a touch taller. Here the Lithuanian should have been more distant possibly chunkier, slower and less surrounding so spatially not quite as expansive. That however wasn't so. Both were indistinguishable on slam, energy and willingness to move air and reach into the sub bass. The clear draw on these fronts was why the LessLoss didn't feel an iota slower or veiled or any less resolved. If anything, with the Swiss I had the impression of slightly higher SPL in the listening chair which was more audible than the two other aspects. From this comparison I gather that Sven's extra tweaks and soldered connections remove some fatty tissue and slightly elevate the tonal balance while the less radically designed LessLoss makes the sound a touch heftier and romantic. Either way these shifts were sideways moves rather than progressions and nowhere near as relevant as the physical differences.
Considering price, artisanal execution, usefulness, overall performance and sheer potency, I heard no evidence that'd work against the LossLoss. It's up there with the very best power distributors I've sampled and by far the most affordable of the lot. I can't name one similarly priced competitor that'd come close where it matters. If today's passive minimalist type still seems too simple to justify its ask, make no mistake. This is a fully mature, elegantly voiced effort built upon very advanced noise-rejection tech proven to be highly efficacious many times over. It's been refined for over a decade to reach its current state. Several manufacturers incorporate it in their own products and my entire system is reinforced with it wherever possible. The LessLoss Power Distributor heavily infused with that passive magic did an awful lot at my place to reiterate its efficiency. Bravo!