GutWire's new top product outdistanced the results of its predecessors by converting excessive height into a more expansive soundstage and dimensional cues in the front-to-back plane. It better delineated stage boundaries, improved centre fill and constructed images with greater 3D focus and palpability. Aided by the Consummate, my system was superior at integrating the soundstage in a more cohesive fashion by removing the speakers as apparent sound sources and creating a stable cloud of sound which hung in the air independent of listening position. The combined amalgamation of tonal balance, detail and placement information meant a further de-emphasis of the electronic and mechanical nature of playback, giving the performers more honest voices to speak and greater space to make themselves heard.

Ultimate for comparison.

GutWire thus find themselves in the enviable situation of having engineered their own fiercest competition. Since the Consummate Ground is a substantial jump in cost from its more attractively priced brethren, the reality of diminishing returns begs the question whether the Consummate is really worth the leap. Those stable mates have already proven that they can reap significant system benefits for modest sums, easily making them an everyman necessity rather than luxury. The Consummate is ultimately a technological pursuit of passion, utilizing more as well as better materials to achieve a new benchmark. Its realized level of performance constitutes a legitimate step up in every parameter. Although more expensive, it earns its premium status and still falls within reach of the dedicated enthusiast. If you have the extra dollars at your disposal, the Consummate's superior ability to dramatically deal with ground noise puts it at the top of the game and makes it the number one choice where Perfect and Ultimate just won't suffice. It thus stays on as reference component.

Quality of packing: Quality black retail box with a stylish black velvet bag.
Reusability of packing: Will provide storage but not substantial enough for shipping.
Condition of components received: Perfect.
Delivery: Delivered by manufacturer.
Website comments: Clean and informative.
Human interactions: Helpful and approachable.
Warranty: Life time to original purchaser.
Availability: GutWire sell world-wide through an extensive dealer network with some limited product available direct.
Final comments & suggestions: The GutWire Consummate is a superior product at a still affordable premium. Any further expansions to their ground cable line will require Gutwire a return trip to a diminishing Thesaurus.