For extra context, let's address basics of purist widebanders. With sensitivity often in the ballpark of 100dB, it makes them particularly suitable for specialist low-power amps where often enormous cabinets incorporate either rear horns or folded transmission lines. Without such cubic volumes single drivers suitable for treble tend to get short on bass, prickly, whitish, sharp, ethereal, shouty and incapable of rocking out. The mandatory size assist can be a tall order for many living rooms. Still, aficionados of the breed accept its demands and know how to work around them for the desirable results. Suffice to say, after guesting several such products I understand the special qualities which such listeners chase.

In my book widebanders without preceding crossover stand out for their spatial precision, immediacy, articulation, speed, energy conversion, tangibility and impact. That's a lot to work with. I've also found their distinctively clear imaging quite unrivalled with acoustic instruments and closed-mic'd vocals. As I see it, no other speaker type executes these tasks as convincingly, intimately, expressively and seductively. Nor do others engage me with their on-stage perspective quite as effectively. I'm very fond of that view so getting back to more distanced less enveloping speakers isn't easy. Each time my hearing must recalibrate for several days to do so. Luckily with Jazzon there was none of that. My biases could roam happily uncontained. The product arrived on a pallet in two massive wooden crates with foam liners, spikes, protector discs and two hex keys.

The combined cargo put ~160kg on the scale. Two adults had to handle it. Many speakers priced far higher still arrive in cardboard so team Cube get two thumbs up for going the extra packaging mile. Their latest set up clearly happy in my digs so instantly shone on all fronts described above by behaving exactly as expected. It was a brilliant reminder that a smartly designed reasonably compact widebander's bass can be ferocious, controlled, massive and enjoyably brutal without any augmentation. That alone will be a major wake-up call for those who still think that a single driver can't possibly cover all bases. Jazzon made that point very clear by going all the way and powerfully so. Its performance isn't geared to tickle but shock just as had the two Nenuphar before it. Although familiar, this was an awesome start.

Upon listening to Jazzon for my first time, all fond memories of Nenuphar rekindled, in particular how palpable, pounding, elastic and texturally sorted the latter's bass had been. Although not quite as tectonic, the newcomer wasn't too far off so didn't feel hollow, dry or incomplete. It packed a punch powerful enough to dwarf many regular speakers and its open bottom decompressed in a way that kept undue room gain and boom at bay. In combination with the xoverless F10 Select, this loading resulted in gutsy open-throated sonics that were quick, vivacious and precise so never boomy, sluggish, bloated or blurry. These drivers fed by an appropriate amp hadn't a clue how to misbehave by getting abnormally sharp, pale, tense or stiff. All in, Jazzon's performance was a full-care package that would quickly convert many heathens into firm believers. Whilst at my place, its cult grew a new member who was amazed enough to ditch his Dynaudio Confidence C4 towers in a hurry and rejig his entire setup to welcome Jazzon. Such instant conversions don't happen often. At least I don't think they do.

Jazzon felt as big bore, fearless and spatially expansive as had its siblings so like them kept developing extra dynamic shove, muscular tissue and overall power when I bumped up the SPL. Although it remained clear, composed and texturally sorted regardless of SPL, its euphonic expressive traits didn't change. Knowing that the often more fragile widebander kind feels most comfortable with minimalist fare served best at reasonable levels, Jazzon's ability to cover these bases whilst roaring too was unusual. In fact its willingness to act so bold yet remain faithful to delicate roots made it that much more special.