Add drops of Emerald Tablets by Hermes; Thoth in Egypt not the French brand. The second verse begins with 'as above so below'. That begets 'as within so without'. Voilà, Jarek's Gadget below. It puts his digital speaker processor inside a small battery-powered box for claimed 10-hour run time. "This device needs to be loaded with specialized code for each speaker or headphone to be used. My idea is to try and locate one or two of your speaker or headphone models here in Krakow. I'll then measure them, load the proper codes and let you sample my Gadget in Ireland." Thinking folks instantly wonder. Just what does Jarek measure to  compensate? Here our man goes stumm to protect IP. The same processor is in Vintage Oslo II and Horten. There it's simply part of their profiles so can't be defeated.

Inside each Oslo II sits a 4" widebander coupled to a downfire port. The 3-position rocker on the master's back panel sets the 35wpc class D power modules for free field, soft and vivid desktop response targets. The RCA inputs are standard 2Vrms, the stereo mini input is optimized for up to 0.7Vrms to welcome mobile sources. And yes, a USB PC input is still absent just as it was with the first Oslo. The one digital input of the 'D' version is a 24-bit/216kHz capable coax. If you don't need that, save €200 and go with the standard version. The optional Bluetooth receiver plugs into the USB power port which could alternately power a mobile device. "This cabinet is bigger than the previous model's so sounds more dynamic and spacious."

Four finish options cover natural oak, black, red and brown.

Dimensions are 13x24x18cm WxHxD. A 24V laptop-type external brick provides the power to the below 35wpc module.

Here is how Vintage Oslo II and Vintage Horten compare on size. On raw cubic inches, Horten gives us more than double. For most desktops that will be too much.