Weiss update

Snow Weiss and the 5 moons – If you own a Weiss Series 5 machine (DAC501 or 502, DSP501 or 502), the latest free software update gets you "a patented loudness equalizer to enhance the sonic characteristics at selectable listening levels between 60dB and 105dB. The is a premier implementation of a patented design by Mr. Bernhard Schwede. It doesn't adhere to the common Fletcher-Munson responses but uses a completely new approach with incredible results. You also get the advanced headphone equalizer for the large range of Audeze headphones. Select your Audeze headphone model in the menu and enjoy listening to it even more than before." Software-enhanced hifi that keeps learning new tricks free of charge is definitely not your grandpa's Vitrola. It helps if you're Daniel Weiss who has one foot in pro, one in high-end consumer and just recently won a Technical Grammy award. That goes straight to the 7th moon!