Vincent KHV-200

St. Vincent – That'll be Frank Blöhbaum, developer of the original Thorens circlotronic mono amplifier and matching preamp. Today he works with Vincent Audio so was responsible for their new KHV-200 hybrid head amp. A rear-mounted toggle switches between full and -8dB gain. Also on the back are a 3-stage dimmer and off for the back-lit circular spy glass; dual RCA inputs, fixed/variabe RCA line outputs; and an XLR4 output. On the front are separate balance and volume controls, input selector, power mains and ¼" output. Under the cover are twin E180F and one ECC82 tube behind the front plate; and a power supply behind a full-width divider in the rear. S/NR is better than 95dB, input impedance 33kΩ and max voltage gain 5.13dB. The machine measures 21 x 8.5 x 2.7cm WxHxD, weighs 3.6kg and comes in silver or blsack.