Raidho X2.6

Raidho's X2.6 – At €21K/pr, it shaves a zero plus off Raidho's towering flagship yet is just as ambitious for rooms downsized to be appropriate. An 11-micron thin planarmagnetic tweeter of just 20mg mass doesn't exhibit first breakup until 82kHz. Aluminium-oxide 6½" dynamic drivers upshift theirs to 12.5kHz, again far out of the band they're used across. Nordost wiring, rear vents, a 2½-way xover and 32Hz to 50kHz response with 6Ω+ impedance round out the core specs. Standing at a compact 36 x 41 x 107cm WxHxD and weighing a still very manageable 30kg/ea., available finish options are piano-gloss black or white though custom requests will be entertained. The first public reveal is coming up at the Munich HighEnd show.