Metrum is back

I'll be back! – That's Cees Ruijtenberg, ex and again Metrum Acoustics. "It's no secret that Metrum Acoustics had some trouble over the last year which in February ended in a bankruptcy ruling by the Dutch courts. In 2018 an investment firm had joined the company and implemented a strategy of fast international growth through sales and marketing. In practice this meant an organization that was understaffed and overworked, delivering premium audio products with sub-par customer service. It was great for their short-term profitability but not sustainable in the long term to cause disagreement within the board. Over this period of time too many customers experienced terrible service or none at all. This was very regrettable and did not fit with the premium audio brand Metrum Acoustics had been prior to the sale. As of July 2020, ownership of Metrum Acoustics is back with its original founders. The brand, intellectual property and inventory have been bought back and the company and team are being reinstated. The goal is to have the business up and running again by August."