The voice that is – In Munich that's Living Voice who this year will anchor their main system around OBX-RW4 speakers in Santos rosewood allied to a pair of OBX Cube subs with xover/amp modules. Also on site will be their retail arm Definitive Audio's SJS Model 5 300B amplifier Silver Enhanced, Model 7 preamplifier Premier Silver Enhanced and Model 3 phono amplifier Silver Enhanced. Vinyl will spin on an orange Kuzma R with CAR60 on a Safir arm. Alternate vinyl will spin on a Grand Prix Audio Monaco V2.0 record player with Kuzma 4P14 arm and CAR50 or VIV Labs RF7" arm with Ortofon SPU Royal G MKII or Classic GE, Living Voice step-up transformer or Consolidated Audio SUT of bespoke specifications. Also in attendance will be Living Voice G2 equipment tables, IBX-RW4 speakers in flat white, Living Voice's Pure Music battery power supply system for the lot and 300B by Takatsuki, Western Electric and Living Voice. See and hear it all at Atrium 4, E220.