Striptease, again – To counter any blowback over their €8'000 Susvara Unveiled, HifiMan now bow their $2'699 HE-1000 Unveiled. It arouses would-be shoppers with 8Hz-65kHz bandwidth, 95dB sensitivity, 28Ω impedance and 450g of weight without cable or magnetic protectors. The latter solid plates snap on when this open-backed headphone is not in use. It prevent the powerful row magnets from sucking in nearby small metallic objects that might tear the micro-thin membranes. Whilst listening, going sans back grill so nekkid promises still higher resolution and linearity from improved airflow with fewer reflections. That's the strip part. Is it just dare to bare so optional? Not. It's a mandate. Listening with the solid protector plates on isn't on. Those seriously impinge on the response. Shoppers will thus want to practice safe sex. Put the plates back on when not wearing these. That's particularly germane should we listen on a desktop that's littered with paper clips, tiny screws, screwdriver tips and other such bits. You'd not want to set the nude headphone down amidst their lot. Fashionistas already took note that the 'veiled' HE-1000's wood veneer is a thing of the past. Like Susvara Unveiled, HifiMan have overhauled the appearance to be more on trend. And whoever didn't care for the camel-leather brown of the range topper will applaud the return of plain black headband and pads.