Tim Story's buzzle is categorized as electronica by the if-it-ain't-got-no-genre-it-won't-sell types. They do have a point. But it's also as descriptive as identifying gratin au daphinoise as taters. Potatoes are in it but there's rather more to the dish's quite sophisticated execution. Years ago, this keyboardist's typecasting was in fact annexed to New Age. If you'd been an old-time CD seller who had to decide what section to stick 'buzzle' in to have it be found by people who'd like it – you'd have been a bit stumped, too. Yes, the focus on groove and infrasonic synth effects is electronica pure whilst the mostly down-tempo numbers point straight at ambient. Yet Tim's melodic gifts and skills as an arranger and player exceed generic computer-generated fare. That doesn't prevent "Monkey Builderizer" to walk on elephantine beats or crisscross vocal snippets for pure atmospherics. It doesn't conflict with "Yeh!" to circle on its harmonic progressions like a slowly turning ghost carousel in the night. From a hifi perspective, true low bass will test your system's testicular fortitude, artificial soundstage construction its layering chops. So check out whether 'buzzle' might have you buzzing. At 14 tracks, it's quite generous…