It's French for outdoor painting. Now Airplain is Swiss for active speakers. Think Purifi Eigtentakt amps, matching Purifi dynamic drivers then the company's very own AMT. It's built by Precide SA of Switzerland, makers of Ergo AMT headphones. Their Mr. Dürrenmatt was a friend of the pleated tweeter's inventor Oskar Heil. Here it can rotate by 90° to support vertical and horizontal placement of the boxes whose lateral woofers deliberately only occupy one side. The big AMT's bandwidth goes 180Hz to 40kHz to enable Plainair's very low 600Hz filter hinge. Their smaller AMT works on a 1kHz filter. Add-on subwoofer modules can bolt on extra bass power for larger rooms. Modular construction welcomes numerous retrofit changes. Priced from 17.8K/pr to upward of 60K CH, even the rectilinear enclosures differ by combining welded stainless steel with aluminium. Each of the three models is available with/without streaming module. That's from Daniel Weiss whose general DSP also covers crosstalk cancellation, a vinyl emulator, room correction, bass and overall tonal balance. As truly bespoke products, finish options abound. They include lacquers, veneers, leathers, furs, even 24K gold plating. The inset driver grills are likewise customizable. Airplain's stated design goals are zero resonance for no interference, ultra-low distortion and linear phase for true impulse fidelity.
Made en Suisse strikes again. Just bring your own cheese and chocolates to start this party.
Airplain's website