The Q3 appreciates cinematic soundscapes, giving them a very wide tall berth. Curiously it also emphasized what happens at the stage edges more than most loudspeakers which generally focus strongest in the centre then fade and fray toward the sides. The Scansonic drew peripherally very clearly. Most interesting. The Q3 began the soundstage quite precisely at the front baffle whilst with some material, actors and voices could manifest a bit more forward. The Q3 did not really want to cast acoustic spotlights into the third dimension behind itself. Only when a recording really demanded it did it project from a virtual meter or two farther back as for example on Beethoven's first movement from his Symphony No. 5, the "Allegro con Brio" recorded by the Vienna Philharmonic under Carlos KleiberAlthough the Q3 provides a certain depth, it doesn't create anywhere near the three-dimensional depth as for example the €9K Divine Acoustics Bellatrix. Fans of expansive 3D classical music who want the capaciousness of a concert hall in their mind's eye can certainly find more suitable sound furniture elsewhere.

The fact that this Scansonic reproduced images a little more generously than I'm used to with my ATC and many others fit its wide tall staging aspects. This was engaging, involving, almost enveloping and never distant like a classic bird's eye view. Despite this perspective which at first appeared rather flat, the Q3 by no means neglected to outline instruments or vocalists where a recording allowed it.

On "Chandler" by Ebi Soda from Honk if You're Sad, the saxophone and drums neatly separated although with a little less space between each other than Raidho's X1.6 which was exemplary in this regard. Incidentally, the Q3 gained the most competence in this discipline as break-in time increased. If you mean to give these a listen, definitely ask about their mileage. It shouldn't be less than 50 hours. More than 100 is advisable. Proper conditioning also impacted dynamics, especially macro. No, the Q3 won't morph into proper loudspeakers even then. They reproduced bass impulses with a slight but elegant reserve even after weeks of calisthenics.

The bass drum in "This Boy" by Brendan Perry definitely had power but the Scansonic achieved this from the volume of the drum's body, not the shockwave of the beater on the head. Yet compared to fresh out of the box, a lot did change. In terms of micro dynamics the Q3 are much more committed than the majority competition. Check out my favourite vocal/piano album by Chilly Gonzalez and Jarvis Cocker, Room 29. Already in the title track the Q3 modulated Cocker's fragile graceful voice in the chorus and Gonzalez's delicate piano so realistically and naturally that I grew involuntary goose bumps. Strictly speaking the fact that vocals came across a touch larger than normal and a bit closer may not have made them more realistic but certainly more intimate and intense. In the end I was very certain: the Q3 occupy an exceptional position for resolution, small-scale dynamics and micro transients which stand well clear of this class.

The Scansonic Q3 are pleasantly tuned and surprisingly complete for their size, giving the impression of significantly more cubic volume and membrane area. You can even play larger rooms as long as SPL remain reasonably moderate. However, rooms below 20m² could actually be overwhelmed by the bass energy of these slim sculptures depending on your fare. That's where stuffing a port or two will help. The Q3 should impress demanding rock fans with powerful bass and stress-free upper registers just as they're destined to ensnare lovers of complex electronica with their resolution, lightning-fast transients and fine dynamic differentiation. If it's about hard-hitting bass attacks from techno or hip hop, I'd not recommend these. Also, the Q3 doesn't exhibit excessive electrical requirements but given average efficiency, one should provide at least 50 watts of continuous power. Amplifiers voiced for dry bass and neutral high resolution on top should fit very well. For pleasure listeners with broad musical tastes, a love of bass and high resolution without stress, the Scansonic Q3 are a clear recommendation and almost unbeatable visual arguments in fine furnishing discussions.