"In general I'm blown away by the performance of Matrix Audio in relation to cost. There is a super-smooth feeling about their sound that still has the right amount of articulation and definition with ultra-fine detailing. There is nice weight and bottom end all very refined and fast. All of this is already superb on its own but as you then consider the price points and build quality, it gets quite impressive. The MA-1 is no exception. Sure, I first fell for Matrix because of the streaming side of their portfolio but the MA-1 is a true high-end beast that will stand its own against many pricier competitors. It has great scale to the sound and elasticity in the bass but still that smoothness whilst being very detailed. The build is wonderful and so is the packaging. For me, Matrix Audio are offering a very complete package which includes the user experience. Do give the unit a few days to come alive and you will be very happy with the results." That was Michael Huigen answering my question on his take of the product. Of course we'd expect him to like it. Unlike online shills behind a laptop however, he's financially and reputationally committed. He stocks hard inventory for the three Benelux countries and is responsible for warranties. Nobody warehouses goods which they don't believe in. Should they lose faith or experience too many failures, they divest themselves of a brand to pursue another. "Blown away" indicated anything but.

… to be continued…