Under the hood, the UL looks wildly different than the Z10. Here LTA play a far more complex game than swapping KT88 for EL34, flipping a triode/pentode switch and calling it a new model. Not!

99 is the speed limit again.

With UL turning its left cheek, we see four Genalex ECC83/12AX7, then a perforated screen behind which rise the four RCA 17JN6 outputs with Berning's signature vertical PCB shadowing them. Behind those float two Genalex ECC82/2AU7 military style above the volume-control relay matrix.

The switch-mode power supply resides behind the vertical metal bracket suspending the 12AU7.

These complex innards are far more suggestive of a mad scientist's lab project than a minimalist single-ended circuit done up old style with a few tubes and heavy iron.

Back panel shows empty phono-stage bay at its far right.

Turning the right cheek, UL shows off how its packed power supply crawls up on the back of the divider to take up even more space. Power is everything.