All copper inside Stellar undergoes the company's proprietary Entropic Process; twice as long as the Classic. This drastically ages the conductor to change its makeup. It gains new properties like built-in directionality and far less susceptibility to micro vibrations thus better resilience to noise. This ageing therapy accelerates what several human lifetimes of constant burn-in would do. Now copper becomes so soft that it can easily deform. Hence LessLoss Firewall modules encapsulate in hard curing crystal resin to maintain structural integrity. Enamel on each thin Litz hair does the same. We know that the Entropic Process requires specific chemicals, equipment, environment and accuracy and are told that its results can't be duplicated with regular cable cookers or cryo immersion alone. LessLoss do subscribe to cryo but use it in addition to their Entropic Process, not as a substitute. The Entropic process must be executed at the earliest manufacturing stage so a cable that didn't start out that way can't subsequently be upgraded to it. The process doesn't completely eliminate all subsequent break-in, just accelerates it. If the Stellar has twice of that haste, yes please.

Prior to receiving any LessLoss cables, I'm always asked how many I need. The question about respective lengths follows rights after. There's not much space behind my rack so I appreciate thoughtfulness when power cords are on the menu. Some can get very bulky and cumbersome. C-MARC are fairly thin, pliable and easy to route. Since all spots between wall outlet and my components are already taken up by various C-MARC, I'm more than familiar with them. Going full hog with Stellar wasn't necessary. Two lengths of 1.0 and 1.5m sufficed. A single run wouldn't have been a deal breaker either.

In my experience, power cords can work wonders particularly on digital. That's apparently more sensitive to mechanical resonance and incoming noise than an amplifier. Also, a digital signal precedes downstream kit which receives it until our speakers or headphones communicate how good our original signal is. LessLoss see the power cord between conditioner/distributor and DAC as most important. My system communicates this well so I can only agree. The second most potent cord bridges the wall socket with my power distributor. Then follow cables which go from this box to my preamp, streamer, mono amps and lastly a linear PSU which benefits least from a power cord upgrade. This overview tells us where exactly my two Stellars samples would go; and against which sparring partners.

My system's power delivery is quite unusual. A C-MARC Classic Entropic goes from wall outlet to LessLoss power distributor. One of its outlets sees a Boenicke Audio Power Gate's primary M2 captive cord. The remaining three sockets bridge my DAC, streamer and preamp. Should you wonder why two power distributors in series, the efficacy of their internal Firewall modules compounds and outshines any potential losses of extra cables and mechanical connections. Had I two or three more Firewalled distributors, I'd still daisy-chain them. It reads extreme but my experience validates it, having already 16 Firewalls. Louis Motek has experimented with several dozens slaved but I digress. Given my lay of the AC, the 1.5m Stellar went against the PowerGate's secondary M2 cord that sees my DAC. This captive type is based on older non-entropic C-MARC so the brawl remained in the family. Ditto the second round during which Stellar compared to its standalone entropic-processed Classic sibling also on my DAC. Then the shorter Stellar replaced the other Classic on the wall socket because I could and was curious. It should be said that I don't use power cords not from LessLoss so guilty as charged. I just don't see the point. To file for a divorce, I'd have to have something significantly better to replace it with. Truth told I have but it sells for kidneys. I have only two and am quite attached so no dice. Other than this, being faithful to a LessLoss loom packed a major boon during this review. Three generations of the same product at my disposal helped me track the brand's advances over the years.