With these high technical goals, matching cosmetics were to follow. Just like the LS1 loudspeaker which was initially intended for just professional use, there would be more than form following function. Elegant aesthetic are most important to this Eindhoven company as we saw with their facility. Whenever tekkies design a device, nine out of ten times they end up with a very basic form factor carved from solid billet.

Not so for Grimm. They instead hired industrial designer Michiel Uylings of Ontwerpbureau 311 to design their cosmetics. And with success. The cabinet is completely formed from sheet metal to be more eco conscious, albeit without visible fasteners. When Eelco Grimm and Guido Tent came to deliver the MU1, we received a really good-looking piece of kit. The word distinguished is probably most accurate to describe its exterior.

When put on a scale, the MU1 only pushes down 4.5kg while measuring a healthy 355×295 x100mm. The front's print is quite subtle with the words MU1|Grimm whose 'i' dot conceals the white LED the LS1 premiered. In the middle sits a 3.5" full-color LCD screen. The standout element is the top dominated by a 115mm gold-colored disc that hovers over a shallow curved indent. This disc is the single multi-function controller. Turning and pressing down quickly or longer runs through the menu options displayed on the screen. The gold disc and curved recess convey a very Zen feel. For the MU1 there are no high-tech footers as the case rests on four diagonal short bars.

Slightly recessed, the back hosts the i/o ports. Paired AES3 digital outputs are followed by a special output used in conjunction with Grimm"s own speakers. Digital inputs are AES/EBU, coax and optical. Then there is the unique option to input an FM antenna on a 75Ω BNC. Internet connectivity comes from a RJ45 port while 2 x USB 3.0 talk to external disks or sticks. An optional remote talks to a separate jack. Above the IEC power inlet sits a tiny mains switch.