Make it so. Here's the hardware which does. It starts with a fully encapsulated Delta AC filter with small chokes from Thailand. It continues with a 2 x 115V power toroidal transformer with 34.85V secondary. There's an ST ARM microprocessor controller, 4 x 47'000µF/63V American Cornell Dubilier capacitors, 3 Austrian Schrack relays, 2 smaller Japanese relays, 2 voltage regs,  2 screw-mount terminals, a multitude of tiny surface-mount parts, some medium and small caps and super-tidy construction overall. The rest is HEM's IP.

It's worth reiterating how this compact box is unexpectedly heavy and how tight are the tolerances of its metal work. Aside from the 4-pole DC output on the back, there's also a trigger port and small USB, the latter presumably for firmware updates such as adding components to the built-in library.

Here's the same show in 3D including the display set for 25V out. Power/current show zero since Hypsos detected no load. Time to put the lid back and do more listening.

Four screws later, I was back in business.

This key asset—enjoying still lower SPL because resolution, contrast, microdynamics and focus all had gone up—meant that Spotify's subscription losses telegraphed harder. The 4.4 : 1 ratio between their 320kbps and my 1'411kbps of locally hosted .flac decimates 3 out of every 4 data 'bits'. That crass reality was more apparent now because full-resolution files sounded even better. Like myself, the Ferrum box was format agnostic. Its benefits work on all files regardless of provenance or data density. But its improvement multiplier magnified the difference delta. When I switched between lossy streaming and CD material, I was more not less aware of Spotify's compression algorithm because flac's lead had increased. That reiterates a basic fact. Heightened resolution always sees more and more clearly. Superior vision applies itself equally to all. That includes levels of software quality. Snuggling up extra cozy to this reminder was HEM's sweet-spot tuning. The increased tone density and sonic materialism of running the Fram on 25 not 24V helped Spotify in particular. Sweet.

In case it matters, Spotify is my primary hunting ground for new music. I much prefer its GUI over Qobuz/Tidal. Qobuz then is from where I download the majority. I insist on owning my music and don't care for burning up bandwidth on streaming in full resolution. Which really shouldn't matter to you. Everyone makes their own choices. With Hypsos powering Midi 150 and not Jarek's stock SMPS brick, low-level detail improves regardless. That nets all the usual upticks in soundstage sorting and image lock. Bolting on a €995 premium PSU to €4'400/pr premium actives also makes sense of allocation percentages. With my wife's €2'000/pr Midi 120, Hypsos would consume a rather higher percentage of the original investment. Some could feel that straining the envelope already although high-end's maxim 'power matters most' won't budge either way. By the time I was down to our legacy iPod docks, all sense and sensibility would certainly be out the door. Time to do just that and visit Ms. Austin.