
Country of Origin



Reviewer: Simon Ragionieri
Source: Generic 5G router into Taiko Audio network switch (both powered by an Uptone LPS1.2); Taiko Extreme Server; LampizatOr Horizon DAC
Headphone amplifier: Riviera Audio Labs AIC-10
Headphones: Spirit Torino Valkyria, Raal 1995 Immanis
Cables: Digital – Sablon Ethernet 2002 & USB Evo, Taiko DAC cable; Analog – Acrolink 7N-2090 Special Anniversary
Power delivery: Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Hurricane power cords, Shunyata Alpha HC power cord, Furutech NCF AC wall plugs on a dedicated spur
Review component retail: €24'800/pr in black or white, €29'500/pr in real wood as reviewed, all prices ex VAT

Prologue. "Good morning Srajan. Yesterday Giuseppe from Diesis Audio visited, bringing with him a nice pair of Aura loudspeakers and his Evento integrated. We spent the afternoon trying to find the best room positioning and gauge whether my low-power Riviera Audio Labs AIC-10 would hold back his speaker given my seating distance, preferred music genres and playback volume. The audition went well and Giuseppe was happy to leave the Aura with me for review. Having Aura here will also be extremely useful in the context of my Zu Soul VI assignment for a side-by-side comparison. Next Wednesday my acoustic consultant will take my room measurements in preparation for his acoustic treatment install." And so with some upfront due diligence, Simone's second speaker review for us materialized after Zu's Sean Casey had proven amenable to submit the very first speaker our man in Italy has ever reviewed after playing for ~10 years at the bleeding edge of headfi. – Publisher

… to be continued…