2002 ongoing industry features and designer & artist interviews

The following industry features are part of the ongoing feature pages on 6moons.com.

They converse with noted designers, musicians or other personages in the wider audio industry whose experience, research or inventions might be of interest to the audio hobbyist.

The choices (of who to interview when) are a function of the writer's personal curiosity and familiarity as well as matters of timing and availability. After all, most folks making a living in this cottage industry called High-End audio are busy enough with their own day-to-day responsibilities to make taking a few hours out to answer questions over the phone an often less than appealing proposition. In certain other cases, the simple matter of language and who to turn to for translation becomes a challenge that can't always be successfully overcome. However, with the passage of time, it is hoped that dialogues with European and Asian designers via e-mail exchanges will become part of this column.

December 2002
Jim Smith of Avantgarde-USA, Part I
Josh Stippich of Electronluv
November 2002
Eduardo de Lima of AUDIOPAX
Bob Visintainer of Avantgarde Music & Cinema
Walter Fields of NBS Cable
October 2002
John Stronczer of Bel Canto Design
September 2002
CEDIA 2002
August 2002
BASS-IC: A new chip for better bass?
July 2002
master musician and Sufi Omar Faruk Tekbilek
June 2002
Sead Lejlic of Konus Audio Systems in Bosnia