
Country of Origin


Headonia 300B

Reviewer: Simon Ragionieri
Source: Generic 5G router into Taiko Audio network switch (both powered by an Uptone LPS1.2); Taiko Extreme Server; LampizatOr Horizon DAC
Headphone amplifier: Riviera Audio Labs AIC-10
Headphones: Spirit Torino Valkyria, Raal 1995 Immanis
Cables: Digital – Sablon Ethernet 2002 & USB Evo, Taiko DAC cable; Analog – Acrolink 7N-2090 Special Anniversary
Power delivery: Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Hurricane power cords, Shunyata Alpha HC power cord, Furutech NCF AC wall plugs on a dedicated spur
Review component retail: €11'999

Collage with HifiMan Susvara Unveiled & the big Abyss.

August 27th. "Dear Simone and Srajan, I hope this email finds you well. I'm excited to inform you that we recently produced a new run of our Headonia 300B. The demand for these amplifiers has been overwhelming but we reserved a unit specifically to send you for a review. Could you kindly provide us with the address? As avid followers of 6moons for over a decade, we understand the importance of internal images for your reviews. Therefore we will provide you with detailed photographs of the amplifier's interior as opening the unit could potentially damage the casing. Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your response and are eager to collaborate with you." Milomir Trosic

… to be continued…