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If relevant to our readers, your question and the answer will be published here.

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Srajan, I just read and much appreciated your industry feature on the value of rebranding. I've always been a brand proponent, as for me, an established brand is typically a shorthand way of delineating a value proposition: thus, no need to read endless marketing copy or rummage through product descriptions, or (gasp) depend on the debatable and ephemeral voices on the Internet etc.  An established brand communicates an instant and compelling story.

I've been fortunate to work for two companies whose brand was all important: IBM and Michelin. I recall in the mid-90s when a certain CEO was on his way out, and he decided that stodgy old Big Blue needed a refresh before his exit. So, as an example, "IBM Federal Systems Division" (the division for which I toiled) would become "Federal Systems Division, an IBM company." His idea nose-dived when the new CEO came aboard and said, in essence, stop this foolishness, we're IBM!

Michelin never had such an identity crisis. Perhaps, the company's biggest brand enhancement was the creation of a mascot in 1898 to represent the company. Thus was born Bibendum as the mascot was known throughout the world, except in the United States where he was simply named The Michelin Man. Today, the world is littered with brand mascots (Jolly Green Giant, Pillsbury Dough Boy, Ronald McDonald etc.), perhaps inspired by the fertile minds of two French brothers from central France who saw instant value—and an emotional connection— from an anthropomorphic creation. Michael

Hello Srajan, did you see this? I know that you've worked with Vinshine over the years with numerous reviews of their brands. Now they and Denafrips have parted ways. I wonder whether they already found a deep brand to replace it with? Have you heard anything? Simon

Alvin Chee who operates Vinshine contacted me about this before the video went live. I'm not privy to what's going on behind the scenes. But I asked so know that Alvin is far from done with Vinshine Audio. What exactly his plans are relative to new brands I didn't ask because if he were ready to say, he'd have mentioned it already. So we'll have to wait and see. Given Denafrips, Kinki Studio, Jay's Audio and their newer subsidiaries LHY and Exact, he really has a knack with Chinese hifi so I'm certain that good things are on the horizon. Srajan

Hi Srajan, I took note of that very pretty cat of yours in the latest MonAcoustic update. It looks like a miniature jaguar of sorts. What kind of breed is that if you don't mind me asking something entirely disconnected from hifi for a change? Charlie

Chai Baba is a Bengal born and bred in Ireland one county over from where we live now. It's apparently a cross between a feral Indian cat—hence the name Bengal—and a Siamese. The Siamese gives it the body type and sweet personality, the wild cat the distinctive markings. Bengals come in this colour; and also very pale where they look more like a snow leopard and often their eyes then are blue not green. We call ours a lounge leopard. Most affectionate cat we ever had. And yes, he's a handsome little devil. Srajan

Dear Srajan, didn't you work with Mark Mickelson back in your days at SoundStage? I just discovered The Audio Beat which is apparently his site since he left SoundStage. It seems to be mostly music review and news items though and very few equipment reviews. Have you seen it? Frank

I've not been over since Roy Gregory launched his own site. He contributed to Mark before. I've not communicated with Mark since those bygone days but assume that rather than review full-time, he now has a day job in another industry and just keeps The Audio Beat to remain associated with the hobby. Nothing wrong with that! Srajan

Srajan, I listened to an interview with Mark Levinson the other day in which he claims that PCM is "bad for our health" and that he has medical tests to prove it. I found this astonishing. Have you come across this already? I'd love to hear your take on it. Cheers, Jonathan

I'm familiar with the interview. Mark originally was a big proponent of DSD. So when his Daniel Hertz brand first bowed, I wondered whether perhaps his Mighty Cat chip converts all PCM to DSD on the fly. The patent says that his processing injects strategic reverb which happens to parallel how I hear the DSD difference versus PCM already. But it seems to be a proprietary process nonetheless. He claims that even MP3 exposed to C-Wave processing reminds him of analogue master tape whilst nowadays he finds PCM unlistenable. Even though my dad had a Revox open-reel machine and Dual turntable when I grew up, my only personal ownership of analogue media were Esoteric and Nakamichi cassette players. I never had a vinyl or open-reel reference myself. But I do have two DACs which can resample all PCM to DSD 1'024 and certainly hear that effect. Whether it's "similar" to Mark's new processing I of course couldn't say. I happen to think that our constant exposure to WiFi is definitely very bad for our health yet the vast majority of users isn't sensitive to its impact on the brain or nervous system. Mark claims that the medical pilot test they ran had 100% consistency. Whether those listeners they tested already consciously acknowledged the PCM effect before by already having a preference for analogue or DSD; or whether consciously they were entirely unaware of it - that I don't know. Human sensitivities to sundry things vary wildly. We could test as being allergic to certain foods yet not know it. Without digging just a bit deeper, the "PCM is bad" claim obviously reads sensationalist. But this interview contains just enough information to suggest that there's rather more to it; and that research into this topic is in its very infancy but has finally begun. According to Mark, Sony Japan as the inventors of the DSD format certainly are aware of it but didn't know how to measure it. Srajan

Hey Srajan, very interesting news item on those new Spanish convertible headphones. Will you review a pair to let us know whether the concept's cleverness actually delivers on sound? I've noticed that your headphone collection these days is nearly exclusively planarmagnetic and ribbon so returning to a dynamic design could be instructive on that note as well? Just thinking out loud. Joshua

Well played, Joshua. Your observation is spot on! Hence it occurred to me quite a while back that I really need to dip my toes into dynamic headfi again. I was simply waiting for an exciting excuse to do so. This one certainly meets that mark. I've let them know of my interest. Now it's up to them, availability, marketing strategy and all the other considerations brands must make when launching a new product; in this case, new brand, too. So fingers and toes crossed that something will come my way, eventually. Without a YouTube page on their website but having emailed me an early press release, they might just decide on the kind of old-fashioned online press coverage we still do. We'll see. Srajan

Dear Srajan, thank you very much for publishing Fritz's review on the Eversolo DMP-A8. To be honest, I had wondered why you hadn't yourself covered the brand already. It would seem to fit right into your preferred value sector. Was there a reason why you waited on somebody else to cover it? Satgeet

I'm not at all on the hype train of big touch-screen displays which in my setups would sit too far from the seat to a/ be legible, b/ be touched. Given that, I didn't think that my poor attitude on arguably the key feature made me the right person for the job. FiiO's R7 of which I own two is completely different. Its display is in portrait not landscape mode; it's got headfi; and as such is meant to sit in close proximity to make for actual hands-on interaction with the screen. I don't do WiFi or tablet remotes so mirroring an Eversolo display on a tablet does nothing for me but cause actual headaches. That's it, no mysterious reasons other than not getting on with streamer/server touchscreens when I'm used to a massive 27" iMac Retina display or R7 close to my seats. Srajan

Srajan, your buddy John Darko is prepping a review of Monitor's new Studio 89. Any chance you'll be giving it your unique spin as well? Thanks if you can make it happen. Cheerio, Matthias

In John's preview, did you notice how many YouTube reviews are up already on that product? I counted 12 when his post first hit and there's probably more by now. I really don't think I'd have anything useful to add to that glut of pre-existing coverage. My time seems better spent elsewhere. YouTube carpet bombing seems to be a new trend. We previously saw it with Meze Alba's just a few weeks ago. If you look at a recent industry feature I did on that, you'll have my sentiments on the matter. In fact it's likely to get some chow time in my next podcast with John which we'll tape next week. Srajan

Srajan, I see you're in the review cue for LTA's Velo. I would agree with you that the power rating doesn't look anywhere near what Susvara would need so am curious to learn whether we could be both wrong. Any idea when we might know more? Craig

This assignment just inked so I'm not sure how long it'll be until my sample drops in Ireland. Also, my contact is on vacation at the moment. Sometimes raw SPL can be goosed with a hi-gain source like I have in my iFi. Here 0.6V input sensitivity suggests that for actual SPL, we're limited to whether Velo's voltage gain can benchpress such loads. LTA have always been excellent to work with so I don't expect waiting for long. That said, full production seems to have only started recently with the receipt of some back-ordered parts. I have no way of knowing how many dealer and end-user orders must be filled first before reviewers get their turn. Srajan

Dear Srajan, weren't you working up a review on the small Kallyste separates? I no longer see the developing preview so wanted to check what status might be. Thanks, Gregory

I was indeed, Gregory. I just took it down a few days ago. After having the preview up for seven months, I checked again on loaner ETA and got a non-committal 'maybe in the fall' answer explained by business being slow and France in a mess. So I've cancelled the review entirely. You'd think that with business being slow, some press visibility could be just the thing but apparently Kallyste think otherwise so I respect that. Plans can change and so does the market, constantly. One must adapt. Srajan

Hello Srajan, how are you? I hope life continues to treat you well on the Emerald Isle. Quick question. Do you know if the Singxer SU6's RJ45-based I²S pin protocol allows for a standard Ethernet cable to be used to connect to Sonnet's Pasithea? Logic dictates the answer is yes but a client of ours has noticed in your reviews that you use this connection and he is planning to do the same in his system. Told him I'd check with the man himself. Thank you for your time, have a great week ahead! Rob Fritz

I’ve actually not tried that. Cees' I²S implementation didn't work at all with a streamer that used I²S over RJ45. I’ve used I²S off the Singxer into my Denafrips and Laiv Harmony DACs. But just because two components with I²S share the same connector type doesn’t mean the pins are compatible. There could be no sound, period; distortion; phase inversion; channel inversion; SACD issues; or other weirdnesses. So your client could try but I don’t predict real joy. Srajan

Hi Srajan, thank you much for your reply. I was able to ask a friend in LA who used an SU-6 with both Sonnet DACs via standard Furutech Ethernet cables and it does work at least to his golden ears! Be well and enjoy your summer. Rob

Well, quelle surprise. Consider me educated on the matter now. Thanks for letting me know. Srajan

Absolutely. We've shipped many custom I²S cables for Denafrips and Sonnet over the year so it's always good to be sure. Rob

Out of curiosity I just tried the I²S over RJ45 connection between my Soundaware D300Ref and Pasithea. 'No signal'. That doesn't work at all. Srajan

Srajan, didn't you exchange emails with Fred Crane for a while? I was researching a brand which lists him as their East coast distributor. Then I ran into this thread. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see three recent claims that he defrauded customers for big money. I thought you'd want to know. Charles

I took a look. Definitely nicht gut. I also tried his website and saw that it is now password protected so for all intents and purposes, inaccessible. Thanks for alerting me and our readers to this development, Charles. Much appreciated. Srajan

Knowing another manufacturer who'd been with Prana Distribution, I forwarded them this link. Here's what came back: I know this and more. Fred Crane is totally out of his mind. I stopped working with him two years ago when he owed me about $35'000 for an order I built for him but never got paid on. Luckily I hadn't sent him anything without prepayment. Just so he had already collected ~$100K from waiting clients. I got dozens of customer emails not just about my order but about the same story with other brands. I've heard that he now works as a waiter in a Boston coffee shop, owing people over $1'000'000. [Name withheld by request.]

Given the above feedback, I really have no choice but warn readers not to buy any used gear this individual may still post for sale. Chances seem far too high that any monies sent out won't net actual hardware in trade. Srajan

Hey Srajan, I remember seeing the iFi iDSD Pro Signature DAC on your desktop a while back but it seems to have been displaced by your Pasithea. Are you still using the iFi? If not, would you consider selling it? Let me know. Frankie

These days the iFi is in my top headfi rig between the Singxer SU-6 USB bridge in the big system and Kinki's THR-1 amp to drive my Raal 1995 Immanis loaners so I'm afraid I'm not selling it. Srajan

Hi Mr. Srajan, I recently watched your podcast with Mr. John Darko which led me to your website. I read your review on the FT3 32Ω headphones and to my amazement discovered that you also have the 109 Pro, which I recently demoed here in Belgium. It's very difficult to find these two headphones together in a shop for comparison. Moreover, I cannot find the FT3 for a demo neither in Belgium or Lithuania where I live. Since you own both headphones and I also plan to use with the R7, could you please provide a detailed comparison of the sound quality between the FT3 and the 109 Pro? From my experience, the 109 Pro sounded different with various songs, showing strong bass with some tracks and weaker bass with others. However, it offered a greater soundstage compared to the Sony XM3 when wired, which I found to be more confined and punchier in comparison with the 109 Pro. That performed well with the iPhone dongle through Apple Music compared to the Mojo portable DAC. I really appreciated the 109 Pro's comfort, sound quality, and overall musical experience compared to other headphones I tried. However, before making a purchase, I want to ensure my investment is worthwhile. Perhaps the FT3 (32/350Ω) would suffice for now with the R7 and I could consider upgrading to the 109 Pro later. Thanking you, best regards, Heynce Saraf

Hello Heynce, I really don't do personal reviews by request. So "providing a detailed comparison of the sound quality between the FT3 and 109 Pro" is not in the picture. Whatever I had to say on either model I've said in my reviews already. Srajan

Hello Srajan, I just tried to follow up your Soundaware review by clicking on your weblink to their site. What comes up is a blue/white screen with Chinese characters suggesting an error message. even though the URL says Do you know how to get to the actual website? Thanks, Jeremy

Good point. The same happens to me; until it doesn't. I haven't a clue what's going on. Sometimes that URL ends up at the official site, sometimes it shows that presumed error screen at right. It's one of the reasons I called them not A-listers yet. Hopefully it's only a temporary glitch and they'll have it fixed swiftly. I also note that theirs isn't a secure URL yet. That too could be addressed.

This and other things are frustrating because on sound, their P1x is a real winner. What I think they actually need more than anything else is an Alvin Chee-type brand ambassador who knows how to turn a mainland China enterprise into a globally successful brand. At one point Alvin actually did represent Soundaware at Vinshine Audio. At present I only see him represent the D300Ref and D300; and not in any prime placement like his other brands. Srajan

Dear Srajan, in your developing P1x review, you show a gorgeous desktop background on your big monitor screen. Where did you get that, please? Mike

It's something my wife made for me so not commercially available, sorry. Srajan

Srajan, very fine work on the Lotus 10 speaker indeed. On it I have a quick question. You made clear how, if one wanted to add an external subwoofer, the smaller Nenuphar Mini would be the more sensible path. But that of course gives up that fabulous 10-inch main driver. Do you know whether they might be working on a single-driver version of Lotus 10 that would suit such a bill? Thanks for all you do. Ron

I'm not sure precisely. That's to say, I've been told that something 10" based is coming and already has my name on it for a review possibly later this year. But what exactly it'll be—a floorstander, a monitor, based on the Lotus driver or not—I haven't been told. If you're thinking of pulling the trigger on a Cube model, you might simply ask them directly? Srajan

Srajan, for a good number of years I have read your many reviews with interest and have been impressed by your toughness. Recently I came across an old article on Stefan AudioArt products and sought out that company only to learn that Stefan has been laid up after heart surgery  so no telling when he will be back and active. Are you aware of any other headphone modifier or cable manufacturer that approaches the balanced story in the way Stefan does? Many thanks in anticipation for your help. Regards, Christopher

Hello Christopher, I'm not even sure what you mean by "approaches the balanced story in the way he does"? Sorry but I'm drawing a complete blank on that phrasing. Could you clarify what you want to know? ATB. Srajan

From what I can gather, Stefan modifies the headphones and also provides custom cables that ensure a balanced signal is fed from the source to the headphones retaining all of the advantages of the balanced circuitry in the source. Hope that clarifies. Regards, Christopher

Hello Christopher, balanced headphone cables with 4.4mm or XLR4 connectors are completely common these days and with dual-entry headphones require no modification at all. Even a €159 IEM like Meze's Alba can be run balanced out of the box with the right cable and a balanced headphone amp. It's no longer anything special or unique. Times have moved on from back when balanced headphone drive was exotic and rare. Srajan

Hi Srajan, I hope you're doing well. We have been doing great as well, partly thanks to your review as well. I just have one small favor to ask. We introduced Challenger II last May in Munich. Challenger II is priced at €27'999 and I'm attaching the upgrade list. Challenger I priced at €17'999 and is no longer in production nor for sale. Could you please add a short update regarding pricing so that we can avoid any confusion among the customers? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Martynas Serksnys, Silent Pound

Hello Martynas, I can't change prices after the fact unless I made a mistake. They're always valid as 'at the time of publication' and what happens a month or year later has no connection to the review. That's ‘frozen in time' as it were. Given that Challenger I and Challenger II are at least by name different models, it's not even warranted. I do appreciate that a $10'000 price difference is drastic and the speaker doesn't look very different. I can certainly see your potential issue having to justify and explain that to your customers. But underpricing what I reviewed to thereafter fix it with a Mark II revision which builds in sufficient importer and dealer margins then hoping I could obscure said difference isn't something I can do for obvious reasons. To boot, the price you gave me at the time was €14'999 incl. VAT, not €17'999. I'm sure you can now understand the situation from my perspective. ATB. Srajan

Dear Srajan, I completely understand and am not asking to change the original article. Pricing, as you correctly pointed out, has been updated twice now so if you could add a short amendment to indicate current pricing, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Martynas

Hello Martynas, I published my review in July 2023. It's now June 25th 2024. I don't go back to archived reviews to update them with subsequent price increases. Having been in business for 22 years with an extensive archive, such a policy of constant updating would become a never-ending endeavour on my part. The proper way to address potential customer confusion is to make your own statement on your own website. If you have a link to my review there, that's where it could go. Otherwise put it on the model's product page introduction and all confusion will be nipped in the bud. ATB. Srajan

Thank you, Srajan, we'll do just that. All the best, Martynas 

Excellent. Problem solved. There's still another aspect you may not have considered. Price is an inextricable part of any review. It's the context which judges form factor, finish, performance and general competitiveness. It informs excitement or enthusiasm; or lack thereof. By essentially doubling your price, that context changes drastically. Though you didn't ask for it for obvious reasons, I would actually have to carefully edit the tone and nuance of the entire review if it flew the new price. Letting the review stand as is makes it shine because it reflects my honest reactions to its original price positioning. Attaching a notice about the new price would instantly deflate and devalue the review. For that reason too, it's best to let it stand as is. Srajan

Dear Srajan, first of all I want to express my gratitude for your understanding, respect and of course, great patience. As you noted, after sending the Binom-ER I did not condition you in any way and completely trusted your professionalism. As you probably noticed, the path to creating this product was not easy and I hope that to a large extent I let you experience it with me. My approach is absolute. This probably means that customers need to get used to my products. Not everyone understands them right away. I had a lot of different headphone tunings to choose from, among them those more similar to conventional headphones on the market today, with a sound more familiar to modern listeners. The stakes were extremely high. I only needed one win and understood that by sending you one the risk would probably be less but every time I compared these tunings, I asked myself: is this the sound I want to hear? Is this the sound I want to convey to my listeners? Is this what music really sounds like? The conclusion was clear. You will get exactly my version of the sound of music, the one I strove for. In the end this is what I consider correct and I am ready to subscribe to literally every semitone. I am ready to defend it to the last. Before sending out your sample, I understood that this was the only correct decision. More precisely, I wouldn't regret it if I failed. When after the first comments your review didn't update for a decent amount of time, I got pretty worried but also understood that I was not mistaken and right now the process of actually getting to know the product was taking place. So you did a great job. Chic approach and analytics of sound. Readiness to open new frontiers. The modern audio world is very inertial. Rarely anyone is capable of this. And special thanks for your award! Sincerely, Oleh Lizohub - Camerton Audio

Hello Srajan, I'm not sure if you know this but Steve Marsh has passed away (06/08/2024). Seeing as he wrote for you, I thought it appropriate to contact you. My condolences to you and your team. Best Regards, George Lenz,

Hello George, thank you very much for letting me know. Steve and I hadn’t been in touch for many years now so our paths diverged. Still, it’s sad to learn that another one of our fellowmen has crossed over. Srajan

Srajan, I just finished your latest review of the Camerton headphones. Wow, what a find. Do I presume from your concluding paragraph that you just added these to your collection then? That's certainly quite the endorsement. Cheers, Sion

Death, taxes and a reviewer's salary. It's why the sentence you refer to includes the word 'would'. It's a dream scenario. I'm in no position to materialize it with the necessary hard cash. Srajan

Hi Simone, first of all, many thanks for your dedicated review of our Primavera headphone amplifier. Thank you for the great work and personal touches you put into it. It's very useful and informative for a wide range of readers. Thanks too go to Igor, Fabio and Srajan for making this review possible. I hope you will have a successful time at 6moons in the future. Best, Sasa

Hello Srajan, do you have an update on the Soundaware headphone amp review? It looks really promising but I haven't been able to find out anything more about it. You seem to be the only one who has one. Thanks, Charles

Actually, I don't have one - yet. I publish previews once an assignment is agreed to but before the sample lands. The usual giveaway that I'm in possession are first in-situ photos not the brand's own. In this instance I'm still waiting on the slow boat from China to make landfall. Srajan

Srajan, I just saw your preview of the new Exact Express cables. One detail caught my eye. Gold-plated copper bodies for the EMI traps? Though the gold sounds like superfluous bling, copper certainly has acknowledged damping properties, something Dawid's recent review of the Carbide manganese-copper alloy alluded to. Do you have any information on how that copper is applied other than form a housing for the EMI filter? Thank you, Randy.

I do not, Randy, sorry. And whilst I agree that the gold seems rather blingy, raw copper would tarnish so needs some protective skin even if just a transparent lacquer. I'm with you on copper's damping qualities but don't quite see how it would apply to the actual conductors in this case. The cable seems to pass through the trap in an aluminium barrel. Still, it's an interesting question. I'll see whether I can learn anything useful by way of an answer. Thank you, Srajan

Hello Srajan, thank you very much for your review of our AVAA C214 which is very interesting and we also like your point of view and writing style. And thank you also for the award. Best regards, Fabrice De-Prete, PSI Audio

Hey Srajan, yes I did attend Munich but just for a visit and to meet and greet a few people. All in all not that exciting, just a lot of the same old stuff. The only standout for me were Aleksandar's new ribbon headphones. I'm not into headfi but if I were, no contest there. Miguel

Dear Srajan, I came across your recent mini feature about two Spanish brands you weren't familiar with. I also saw that you have a new Kroma review in the works which is of course another Spanish brand. I wonder whether you've come across Lorenzo Audio Labs which are also from Granada and have any feedback on them? They recently added a tube preamp and power amp that look interesting. Just curious to get your take. Best regard, Tim

I've been aware of the brand since they launched because I got the press release but other than having seen their website, have no insights at all, sorry. I did know they were about loudspeakers so branching out into valve gear is unexpected but Voxativ have already done it so why not Lorenzo. It should all hinge on their electronics designer and his or her skills. Srajan

Srajan, I wanted to alert you that the link to Basel Acoustics no longer works in your recent feature. "This web page cannot be displayed because the configured PHP version is no longer supported" is the error message. Cheers, Charlie

You're right, I see it now too. That wasn't the case a few days ago when I posted that piece. Looks like their webmaster has to update a program. I'm sure they'll realize it soon enough and do what's necessary to pop back up. I can't really do anything about it from my end. Srajan

Srajan, I just caught up on my occasional 6moons snoop and after perusing your Laiv Harmony review, I went to their site and found an unexpected number of other reviews all of which pretty much agree with your assessment that this is an overachiever for its price. I love when that happens because I do believe in multiple opinions. It must feel great though that you were the first to put this DAC on the map? Congrats and all the best. Keep up the good work. Richard

Sometimes our reviews are first, at other times such news hit elsewhere well before we ever get around to it if at all. It depends on the connections individual writers or publications have made over the years; how good a match with a given reviewer's exposure, tastes, ancillaries and room a manufacturer thinks their latest will be to send it to and take that risk. Does it feel good to occasionally be first? My inner competitor says yes. Reality then reminds me that reviews just add themselves to the overall data pool of our hobby. Who was first or last doesn't matter. It's all grist for the mill, fodder for the web surfer. A prospective buyer will check out all available reviews or opinions about a given product. Here all of us reviewers and bloggers are just little bricks in a bridge that connects people with experience of certain equipment to people who don't yet have their own experience with it. Srajan

Hey Srajan, do you know what's up with Darko.Audio? The site seems to be down except for a different home page. I need my daily fix! Jeff

Patience, Jeff. I believe John is moving his site to a new server and implementing a new WordPress skin. Those things take time to migrate and overwrite and in the interim he's in Munich attending the HighEnd show. You gotta get your fix elsewhere until his webmaster is done with the changes. Or attend a few Audioholics Anonymous meetings in the meantime? It starts easy enough. "My name is Jeff. I'm addicted to I need help." Srajan

Hi Srajan, I'm truly and sincerely sorry but we simply won't be able to send out your demo devices before the show. Norbert wants to make sure that all the new Grooves have been personally tested by him and well, that takes time he unfortunately doesn't have right now. I hope it's okay with you if we do this asap after the show? Speaking of which: Are you coming to Munich this year? Best regards and sorry again. Christopher

Hello Christopher, no problem. It'll also give your webmaster time to catch up and throw the Groove onto your site. As for me, I'm staying home for all the usual excellent reasons. No global audience in confined spaces spreading who knows what. Mostly bad sound at high SPL. A carnival of hawkers looking to sell, sell, sell. The upstairs MOC now is specialized in oligarch audio. Not my tribe. Just thinking about it makes me feel like a lonely alien who landed on the wrong planet. ET wanna go home. Also, my livelihood is really from review generation, not writing silly show reports about who was there and wore what like a reporter at the Oscar's after party. Taking out a whole week, the expense, the traipsing around endless miles of corridors… I really get nothing useful done at all aside from the social aspect. And even that happens in brief snippets, 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. In the evenings one has a chance to catch up for longer over dinner but for every invite I accept, I piss off 20 others who I turned down. For me it's a massive no-win, really. A Zoom chat these days accomplishes more and though it's not exactly an in-person meet, for my purposes it's still brilliant. Perhaps you and Norbert and I should do that for the review after you're all back and recovered from the show? Srajan

Hello Srajan, we all had a laugh at your description of the show. You should patent the term oligarch audio! Believe me, we feel the same way. Unfortunately we can't afford to do without the Munich show. At least we've shot down all the other shows by now except for Warsaw every now and then. We'd be happy to do a Zoom call sometime after the show. I'm not sure why I'd be there because I only understand half of what you and Norbert will talk about - but we'll manage. I'll keep you posted on the Groove/Move combo. Best regards, Christopher

Hello Christopher, for a manufacturer being able to meet all (most?) their international trade partners in one place at one time is virtually unmissable and cheaper than visiting them in their natural habitat. Having now two trade days makes that even more so. Spreading good will and cheer to the consumers during the other two days isn't a bad thing either for brand awareness and sowing seeds. So let's meet up over the airwaves when you're back. Just check in when you've settled and we'll make it happen. In the meantime, break a leg; or better yet, two. Srajan

Hello Srajan, you asked some time back if I'd found a higher-powered replacement for low-power Exicon-based solid-state amps. I have, with the surprise being that it's essentially a tube amp without compromises. Kora have developed an interesting circuit that's direct-coupled, differential & transformer-less, very engaging and direct sounding without a hint of typical solid-state grain or signature. For decades I've favoured lower-powered amps, highlights being the Tom Evans 25w Linear A in tube and Enleum in solid state. Like those, Kora entirely avoids getting shouty on peaks or as volume level is increased. If you ever get the chance to listen or review, Kora's TB140 entry-level integrated is the one to look out for. Plays more powerful sounding than 70-100wpc would indicate and a bargain at the asking price of ~€5K. Despite reports of the circuit being impervious to tube changes, I've found swapping out the ECC82 pair for my preference Telefunken (or Mullard for the opposite effect) makes an obvious change.

I skipped any mention of Kora having transistors as being tarred with the hybrid brush because it's not. This is a must-hear experience. From first powering up I was on board with representing Kora here in NZ. I've not heard a component I've been so quickly impressed with and it's still getting better. Preamp and volume control are transparent, microprocessor functions obviously well thought out and executed. Makes me wonder how much more elevated in performance their separates play at. This amp is a stunner on €72K Chicago speakers - perfectly balanced in attributes, dynamic and sounding more powerful than any other 200-watt amp. It just asks to be wound up in volume. So far on vinyl, I've been listening much louder than normal just because it can handle it and is so low in distortion. I struggled at first with one aspect - it lacked steam in the bass using CrystalPower Ref and mis-stepped. Swapped out for a Puritan Ultimate cured that (it's twice the gauge of their standard) and on the second evening of listening and back to Telefunken tubes everything is hunky dory. I must run in the stock tubes properly. They run half as hot as in a normal circuit so are quick to change. For email I deal with Bruno the founder though he says he doesn't speak English. He deserves a medal for delivering the TB140 at entry-level high-end pricing. They'll be at Munich so don't expect a quick response. Cheers, Peter, Reference Audio

Wow! A Lunar Eclipse 2024! After two years! What a wonderful review! Thank you! Also, that last page is fantastic. I mean, the things you connect and explain what influences what is really superb. And I love what you said about what masquerades as 'warmth'... and many other things. Aleksandar Radisavljevic, Raal 1995

My pleasure. Very much deserved. True, faux warmth seems endemic in audio in general. But some people do have a real/medical HF sensitivity that demands special tuning like Simone pursues with his LampizatOr/Riviera combination. The great thing with super-transparent transducers like yours is that they really do pass on whatever happens upstream. Anyone can build in whatever sonic course correction they require or desire. Srajan

I guess Simone is a rare case; pretty extreme but he still didn't go after a classic 300B SET to satisfy his needs. I wrote him about two moons ago, discussing what he likes about Valkyria and their different approach to replay.

The main problem with headphones is their missing room reverb and the tactile feeling of the lower frequencies on skin and body. Room reverb will add about 10dB of 'power' below 1.5kHz. The feeling of body vibrations doesn't exist. The main question is: do we stay true to the recording or the experience of listening without headphones? To me, headphones are headphones. They will never fully emulate what happens during in-room listening. So I stay true to the recording. To enjoy that, one must make peace with the limitations of the actual situation one is in which is, listening without our room and whole body participating. For me the best way of marrying both worlds are convolution filters that add to the recordings any room response we want (even speaker response if you will) plus a subwoofer or shaker seat so DSP + tactile feedback. If those actions are considered undesirable, then we must invariably tamper with the flat response.

I have a huge problem with tampering with the frequency response very much. Some little bass hump or shelving I'm okay with if that enhances the feeling of a 'natural' not constrained headphone sound but doing ridiculous things like +8dB shelving across three octaves and such isn't for me. These days too many brands sell 'flavors' and some are particularly greasy and high in calories without much of any nutritional value. I'm pretty sick of those fads. On my journey to Magna and Immanis, I finally arrived at the point where the preceding electronics allow the customer to season to taste or successfully precondition their signal in 90% of the cases. For me this was the perfect escape route. It allows me to stay true to my beliefs whilst giving my clients other ways to pursue the bliss they seek. Alex

Salt, fat and sugar. Junk food. Audio has its own versions. I'm in total agreement that speaker and headphone listening are two very different experiences or perspectives, each with its own merits and compromises. I see no need to shoehorn one experience into the other or make them more similar so have never gotten on with crossfeed circuits for headfi; or crossfeed cancellation DSP for speakers. Of course playback at home is a purely hedonistic pursuit. From the client's perspective, anything goes if he/she is happy. That I might prefer another sound isn't the point. It's their ears they must please, not mine. Srajan

Dear Srajan, thanks for mentioning Vinshine Audio in the podcast. My video released last week re: Grey Market was a truthful one. I am aware it might be a double-edged sword but I thought I would love to be as transparent as possible. The grey market exists for various reasons. As savvy consumers, it's best to avoid unauthorized dealers in the grey market. Always choose to buy from authorized dealers to ensure you're getting genuine products and full support and warranty coverage. Many thanks. Yours sincerely, Alvin Chee, Vinshine Audio

Hello Alvin, you’re very welcome. You’re the king of ‘ChiFi’ direct sales done right and deserve all the credit and recognition for it. Whether Laiv can clone the Alvin factor remains to be seen, of course. I should certainly say that Wai Fang Ho had the right mentor. Srajan

Dear Srajan, thank you. I will continue to work hard to stay afloat in this competitive industry! Alvin

Srajan, I read your preview on the small Lindemann widebander and came across your mention of Rethm. This had me wonder whether you have any plans to review their latest Saadhana. I know that you've done its previous versions so I would be very much interested to hear what your thoughts are on the latest iteration which now looks far more visually appealing. Do you have anything scheduled there? Here's hoping. Grant

Last time we explored a review with them, it turned out that post-Covid ship rates from India had gone up so much that without an EU importer, Jacob couldn't afford to shoulder 2-way shipping between India and Ireland plus VAT plus re-entry taxation back in Kerala. So no, nothing is planned. For Rethm reviews, you're probably best served checking where they have current representation—I'd expect their website to have that information—then researching those markets for reviews. Srajan

Thanks for your reply, Srajan. The only dealer they list there is Angie Lisi in Canada. I had already looked that up. It's why I wondered whether you might step into the breach as it were. Sorry to hear that current conditions won't support it. Grant

Agreed. It's always been interesting product and I've long championed it. Just so it never seems to quite have made the transition from hobbyist enthusiasm to established enterprise. Perhaps the widebander concept coupled to Indian manufacture plus very many cosmetic changes over the years have erected certain perception barriers that prevent broader acceptance of Rethm in the global market? I tried to review the new Trishna and had already written an extensive preview but then the ship fees cancelled the gig. So that ship has sailed and I've never tried to board it again. btw, I checked on Angie's site and couldn't find Rethm on her brand page. But I did find a Saadhana review on ETM dated November 2023. Perhaps Angie's assignment with the brand is newer and not yet reflected on her web portal. She would certainly be a good person to ask about upcoming reviews in the US/Canadian hifi media. Srajan

Hello Srajan, thanks for reaching out and considering us for another review. We're genuinely thankful for your support over the years. Your suggestion is definitely interesting and we'd normally jump at such an opportunity. However, we're in a bit of a challenging spot right now. We're in the process of finding a new production company. This search started because of a few reasons: after our designer developed the new platform to a prototype, Covid-19 hit and everything stopped. Then there was a shortage of parts and now the cost of parts has gone up significantly. We're trying to find a European OEM producer that can keep making our products at the same quality. This is really important. We still have some stock for one model and low stock for another but right now can't provide an exact date for when we'll be able to restart production as negotiations with the OEM are ongoing. Also, after switching production we're unsure how our product will price. This uncertainty could mean that we may not compare against direct-selling imports due to a significant price difference. So for another review we should wait until new production is settled and this question of price answered... J.

I publish this email anonymously just to give readers insight into why certain brands could be slower to bounce back in the post pandemic era. Srajan

Dear Srajan, I just wanted to say hello and tell you that I was very surprised to read Frederic's wonderful review of his AMP-23R! Thank you for publishing this and I'm happy that he's returned to 6moons with it. When he placed his order, I didn't realize he was the same Frederic I read on 6moons many years ago, and it's just amazing he's got his health back to enjoy music and write for you again. I think his review is unique and essential in that it provides excellent in-depth comparisons with SET amplifiers in a high-efficiency system. We are all proud and happy that the AMP-23R excels in this regard too and there are now a lot of reviewers and professionals using the AMP-23R in their reference system. At the moment we're way behind with the AMP-54R release as it has also undergone many prototype revisions. Fortunately we're now assembling the supposedly final prototype this month and we'll go for production soon after. It'll be a good challenge to top off all those high expectations on this amplifier and I think we are on track. I hope to get back to you with good news soon and thank you again for the new AMP-23R review. Best regards, Soo In, Enleum

The thanks are really due Frederic. He bought the amp then reviewed it. Very sporting of him. I just published what he had to say. But you're welcome. Srajan

Dear Srajan, you pulled another one out of your magic cap with the latest review on the Laiv DAC. But I've got one concern. Given the price/performance ratio you laid out and talk of an eventual dealer network coming, do you think that they can support the current pricing because there's enough of a margin left to attract brick-and-mortar dealers to take them on? I ask because shopping by mail order from Singapore still leaves me hesitant. I'd want to hear this first. Seeing what the gear costs you compared it to, the $2'700 price seems a bit of an early-bird special. From your experience, do you think it's sustainable by the time dealer inquires come along? With best wishes, Detlef

Fair question only Laiv management could answer; and at this early stage, I doubt even they could. Opening with pricing that ends up not sustainable wouldn't have been the first time should this also happen to them. Been there, done that, tossed the cigar. I was told that their dealer margins are rather slim to make the current sell price happen. Denafrips too offer dealers far less than normal. It's why many dealers have looked at more profitable brands instead. I think it will really depend on how successful Laiv can be with predominantly direct sales where Vinshine/Beatechnik have shown the way; versus how big/quick they grow to need more sales than direct can supply. Perhaps buy now and sidestep the what if of future price increases? And yes, some risk is involved. No risk, no reward. Srajan

I just came across Detlef's feedback regarding shipping concerns from Singapore and the sustainability of our relatively low pricing. Regarding delivery, I'm in the process of setting up fulfilment centres in the US and EU. Here's how they'll work: 1. Fulfilment centres will collect our products from the factory, ship them in bulk to the US and EU, handle customs clearance and store them locally. 2. They'll be ready to deliver orders to local customers upon receipt. 3. Once we receive an order, we'll notify the fulfilment centre to handle delivery. Our goal is to provide faster delivery and better service to customers in the US and EU, along with a return policy. Weng Fai Hoh, Laiv Audio

Hi Srajan, what are your thoughts about using the Crayon CIA-1T with the Qualio IQ speakers? When it comes to watts I think that it has enough power. But I read that the IQ likes a lot of current. Does the CIA-1T put out enough current to make the IQ perform at their best? Also, the CIA-1T's damping factor is only 40. Will that be enough to control the IQ's bass? Peter

I don’t have a CIA-1T so never heard it on the IQ. Also, it’s not the bass that likes a lot of current but the Sartori widebander because 1/ it’s open-backed so has no air compressed in a box to support the return stroke, 2/ also wasn’t especially engineered for dipole mode with a stiffer surround and suspension. You’re right, power alone isn’t the issue but current definitely wakes it up. A friend tried a 25wpc class A amp on it then was shocked when he heard the same speaker on my Kinki monos. When he came home, he bought the Kinki stereo amp. Srajan

Thank you. Since you reviewed the CIA 1T I was hoping that might know what the current output was. With respect to my question about the bass is about the CIA T's low damping factor. Some speakers need a high DF amp to control the bass. I wonder if a DF of 40 is sufficient to control the Qualio IQ's bass. Peter

Just because I reviewed something years ago doesn’t mean that many rooms and systems later, I have anything really useful to say about it; never mind on very specific specs. Sorry, Peter. I live in the real not dream world. And, one more time, repeat after me: what needs more damping in the IQ is its widebander not the ported woofer. I really hate repeating myself. Srajan

I appreciate your willingness to answer my questions. And I understand that you don't like repeating yourself. But since it still not clear to me,  I am going to ask you one last question and hope that it doesn't irritate you too much. Whether it's the Qualio IQ woofer or widebander, is the CIA-1T's damping factor of 40 too low? A simple "Yes, it is too low" or "no, it isn't too low" would suffice. I promise that this is the last question. Peter

After all these years you still believe that hifi shopping by numbers gets you anywhere? I’ve never heard the CIA-1T/IQ combo to know how this gear interacts and I don’t believe in simply recommending things on specs so your guess is as good as mine. Of course you could ask Qualio directly. They probably have a very educated notion because they've experimented with many amplifiers on their speaker; far more than I have. Srajan

Just to be clear, I didn't believe in basing purchases on specs (and for the most part I still don't). But when considering the Cube Nenuphar, the general opinion/suggestion was to use an amp of low damping factor. I had never even considered the idea of damping factor prior to reading that. But it was good to have been made aware of this fact in order to mix and match wisely. This becomes even more crucial now that I'm retired and on a fixed income. I have to buy knowing as much as possible beforehand because buying and returning,  while certainly helpful, still requires an outlay of funds for shipping. I would like to keep that at a minimum if possible. Once again, I thank you. Peter

I guess my question becomes, why can't you just be happy with what you already have? We've been here so very many times before. The buy 'n' sell hifi game is for guys and gals with plenty of spare change. Can't you finally call it a day and enjoy the tunes? If you can't as it appears, I still think the best approach is asking the chaps at Qualio. They're very approachable, honest and definitely experienced with what electronics even for a modest outlay get the best from their speakers. I'm just a reviewer, not a personal audio consultant doing house calls. Srajan

Dear Srajan, you produced a nice read for the new sealed Meze headphone. In it you wonder how what you call two buzzword features work. You say you asked Meze but never got a response. Doesn't it seem odd that when given an established well-read forum to promote and explain proprietary inventions, Meze wouldn't take you up on it?... David

I simply asked for the name and contact of the tech/engineering person at the factory I should talk to. My Meze PR contact instead told me that she would take care of it. So I submitted my questions to her with the understanding that she'd get the relevant answers on my behalf. It's just not part of my MO to keep knocking when a door won't open. As to why in this case, I wouldn't know. It could be an internal communications issue at Meze. It could be a simple oversight. It could be that the driver engineers at Rinaro in the Ukraine were too busy. An email could have been quarantined. Your guess is as good as mine. As you put it, I provide a forum but nobody is obligated to use it in this particular fashion. So we simply move on. We also remember that in these days of paper print, online print and YouTube reviews, manufacturers particularly at launch of a new product could be dealing with 10-15 reviews at one time. Dropping a ball here or there then wouldn't surprise. That said, when I was in charge of organizing then managing reviews whilst working for three different audio manufacturers, I certainly tried hard not to. As you said, reviews are opportunities one wants to maximize especially where writers try to dig deeper than the general PR materials. One never knows what a reviewer will hear, think and write but answering his/her questions certainly is part of 'remote control'. Srajan

Hi Srajan, I have come across a product that I think deserves a review and is up your alley. Too many audiophile gains come at absurd prices. But this is one of the highest-performing ‘tweaks’ I have ever had and it's only $189 so a pure price champion – for once in this hobby. What I also like about it is the convenience, no need to remove cables from your system, just unplug the end from the component and plug this little box on it.I made a post about it here and check the reply by German user ‘andili’ and the one Jim Hagerman himself gave on his theory as to what goes on. Kind regards, Jonas Harrow

Thanks, Jonas. This tracks with Louis Motek's belief that normal use never gets the job done. He's just not been forthcoming about exactly what his 'entropic' break-in protocol at LessLoss consists of to protect his IP. Very interesting indeed to now hear Jim's thoughts on what actually does the job. Srajan

Srajan, I look forward to your Hifi Rose review.  As you mention, you prefer the class A/B  sound of amps from the likes of Kinki and Enleum but also favourably reviewed GaN amps from AGD and Merrill. I'm way out of my league but my limited understanding is that GaN amps don't require as much negative feedback (thus noise and poorer performance at higher frequencies) as other class D amps due to faster switching times though I believe the Merrill Element 114 cleverly requires no negative feedback at all. The key is whether GaN can deliver great SQ across the audio band. As I write the line above, I'm reminded of F For Fake, the Orson Welles film that examines a famous art forger.  At the film's outset Welles says "I'm a charlatan" and then gravely says that everything you hear will be true. Like any good conjurer, Welles has some tricks up his sleeve. That's entirely illustrative of me and my understanding of GaN! Michael

As you reiterate from my preview, the two prior GaN amps I reviewed did deliver excellent sound quality across the audio band. My curiosity is now what Hifi Rose manage to do at 1/5th the price four years later. I shall report my thoughts as soon as I have them. Srajan

Hi Srajan, I keep following your audio adventures and it seems the last couple years have treated you well. I love the podcasts with Darko, they give your unique voice and perspective on everything audio a more human and personal touch. On my side, modern medicine has identified the cause of my ear pains and a solid regimen of anti-inflammatory and allergy med has given me back the enjoyment of music. The damage was mostly reversible and my latest audiogram shows a normal curve for a 50-year old guy. I'm no bat but I don't have to run away when music plays anymore, so that's brought back some joy to my life. With two of the kids out of the house now I've even be able to claim the basement guest room to setup a formal music room and although the room treatments are still a work in progress, the room sounds better than any other I've had before so I am quite pleased.

I also enjoyed reading the Tektron review. The way you describe the amplifier is what I have heard from most 211 with the notable exception of the Audio Note UK Ongaku which uses solid-state rectification and kilos of pure silver to give the 211 a bit more agility and sprite; but at a price that was never accessible and is now simply unrealistic for most. That's why until recently I had not been able to find a satisfactory upgrade to my 2A3 integrated. It has more similarity with a 45 without the same intensity of the 3D effect or quite the same treble magic but it has more bass and control than the 45 while avoiding the excess weight of the 300B or 211.

I said until recently because I finally upgraded to the best-sounding triode with my Ocellias. Hardly less holographic than the 2A3 but with so much more bass control without stifling the Ocellias, sublime dynamics and tones that are so real that they make a 300B sound like a caricature. Okay, I'm teasing. I actually bought an Enleum AMP-23 R. What a magnificent sounding piece of gear. I was always afraid to make the jump because I had not found any transistor amp so far that did well with the Ocellias. They are very finicky speakers. But I decided to take the plunge and it's been the best decision I've made in audio. I know it's not easy to convince a triode lover to switch (took me 15 years) but if one amp can do it, this is the one! I tried the Sugden, reissued Musical Fidelity A1, Pass INT 25 and even a used SIT3. None of them gave me better than the 2A3 integrated. The SIT3 gave me a lateral move but not better. The Enleum is in a different league. Just thought I'd drop you a quick note to let you know and thank you for discovering that gem. Oh, and I also use a Jay Audio CDT2 to spin CDs and that was also an eye-opening upgrade so you are 2 for 2 with me in the last 6 months! Cheers, Frederic Beudot

Wow, best news of the month this far. That's splendid to hear, Frederic. Congrats! Being purely selfish and self-serving, may I add that it would be even more splendiferous news if I had you back on staff writing the occasional piece on audio, be it anecdotal and informal or a formal review. So should that bug bite, that bed is already made. Just say the word... Srajan

Yes, when the doctors told me that it was chronic inflammation due to allergies and treatable, I couldn't have been more overjoyed. It took over a year to get the swelling gone and the loss recovered but it was a gift. Outstanding on the writing offer. That wasn't my reason for reaching out but I do need an outlet in my crazy life and I spend so much time on flights these days, I have time to write. I'll be in Chile Wednesday, Argentina Thursday, Brazil Friday/Saturday and back home Sunday. I might find time to draft an extended piece and shoot some pictures next week. With Tidal I'm also getting more adventurous in music so can add some diversity. For a chuckle, Markus Philippe's Sax'n'bass has he best cover of the Pink Panther theme I've ever heard. Not that you'll be playing it in loops or anything but it's incredibly well recorded, too. A.R. Rahman's "Dacoit Duel" from his Between Heaven and Earth on the other hand could be more up your alley. Let me know what you think. I'm also catching up on the newer Renaud Garcia-Fons. He was getting repetitive but Farangi (not that new, I know) got me reconnected to his music. Cheers, Frederic

Ha, brilliant. That's a lovely surprise. Looking forward to your renewed presence on the moons. Really! Agreed on Renaud Garcia-Fons getting derivative on himself. It's why I've not bought some of his later recording. A.R. Rahman I know well but not this recording. So I'll definitely give it a try. Same for the Markus Philippe. That's new to me, too. Thx for the recos. Much appreciated. You've got quite the travel schedule there. Long mileages, too. If you can write on a plane, it could be a good way to pass the time? Great to have you and your ears back, Frederic! Srajan

Srajan, just saw your teaser for the next John Darko podcast. I think a great future topic could be some insights into being a reviewer and how all of that works. Technical insights and news flashes are interesting too but why not get more personal and share with us what being a reviewer is like? I for one would love to know more. Keep it coming. Charles

I'll pass it on to the boss. It's his channel and audience so he has to greenlight such ideas. I'm just along for the ride. Srajan  

Srajan, I really appreciate your work but think that by accepting the Tektron 211 SET you went beyond a reasonable brief. You describe yourself as an ex tube fancier. Surely that should disqualify you from pursuing reviews of tube amplifiers? If I was in Tektron's shoes, I don't think I would be entirely happy with your approach. As a reader, the lack of real enthusiasm did more damage than simply not doing the review at all. Anyway, that's my feedback on the matter. Thanks for hearing me out. Sincerely, James

That's very reasonable feedback on the face of it but... 1/ I didn't solicit this review. Tektron did. 2/ I owed them a review when my on-staff tube fanciers Marja & Henk passed away within days of each other whilst having a Tektron amp on review. 3/ If enthusiasm were the true arbiter of a review's rationale, we'd either need entirely uncritical reviewers; or the questionable practice of only writing up things which wholly excite us. Whether they do or not we can only know in situ so after the fact. Now half if not more review loaners would have to be returned without any published commentary whatsoever. "Unless it's a second coming, make it go away." I  don't think such a policy serves anyone. That said, I fully agree that one shouldn't deliberately pursue a product category or type one doesn't get on with but instead let those be handled by someone else. I've not asked for tube electronics in very many years for precisely that reason. Should I be solicited, I may still accept requests if a novel approach promises to bypass or minimize my general misgivings; or be a tube type I've no experience with yet. Finally, you may be surprised to know that Attilio of Tektron thanked me multiple times already for conducting this review in a comprehensive careful manner. If he's happy, I'm happy. It's not so much about the actual findings where the opinions of different listeners are bound to diverge. It's about presenting them in an even-handed fair context and trying different things on hand to get the best results one can. What else to do? Is calm reason not good enough when raw enthusiasm doesn't present itself? Srajan

Hiya Srajan, another day, another update on the Raal 1995 review without having final photos or for that matter, any first sonic impressions. How long will this endless tease go on? Only halfway kidding, Mario

Mario, I believe that the public premiere of Magna & Immanis will take place next week in Heidelberg. How soon after that Alex might have loaner samples to dispatch to Ireland I don't know. I'm not rushing him. This is an obviously big and important product reveal for him. Whatever time it takes his crew to get it right, that's what it'll take. I obviously expect early show comments to hit his thread on the day the show opens. If you keep your eyes peeled there, you should know more soon likely well before I have any of my own hands-on impressions to report. Srajan

Dear Srajan, I thought your comments on how the Audience 1+1 V5 diverges from dogma only to be better for it were very well conceived. I'm curious though whether in exchange for improvements in linearity and dynamics, the 40Hz high-pass filter in particular might have been responsible for you finding the speaker's voicing a bit on the demure side - genteel I believe you called it? The reason I ask is that that's really the last thing I would have expected of this kind of design. I would expect it to be extra direct, quick, informative and present, not laid back and somewhat polite. Could a high-pass filter cause such a softening? Best regards, Jamie

That's a fair and intelligent question, Jamie. I simply don't have an answer. I'd have to A/B the speaker with/out that part of the filter to isolate whatever sonic attributes might change. All else would be mere speculation. But I completely agree that it's certainly a rather interesting bit of speculation! Srajan

Hello Srajan, thank you for taking the time and attention to review our CA 1+1 v5. The purpose of me desiring to include our cables was not for an extra freebie review. It was to be sure of compatibility. I do regret and apologize for the bad timing of the price issue. We are still wrestling with this. We might end up splitting the increase for an MSRP of $4'000 instead of $4'500. Many thanks and best regards, John McDonald

My pleasure. As long as my readers know what the correct retail price was the day I published a review, we're all good, no apologies necessary. What happened before or what might happen after falls outside the review's parameters. As far as any speaker needing a particular speaker cable to be compatible... that's where my eyebrows raise. That's nearly as squirrely as insisting that a speaker needs a particular amplifier to sound its best. In such scenarios one really ought to design a fully active speaker to control all of these parameters at the factory. Meanwhile a passive speaker is expected to work properly with a wide variety of amplifiers and cables. ATB, Srajan

Srajan, I read your latest Audience review and then made the connection with a recent industry feature. Very funny. I imagine this whole VAT pain on products that only briefly enter the EU from abroad is a real issue to get such product for review in the first place? It seems to be just one of the many things most of us reading reviews don't consider. I for one appreciate that you covered this detail from behind the scenes... Best wishes, Aaron

Indeed. A proper ATA carnet aka temporary importation or commodity's passport isn't the run-of-the-mill waybill shippers know Half the time a FedEX/UPS customer service agent has never done one. However, I've received numerous shipments over the years which came accompanied by the necessary documents. It's not rocket science. It just takes more than a 'no value, commercial sample for review only' note when good-sized cartons weighing 10-50kg arrive from industrialized nations at Irish customs who are trained to be suspicious about low-balled values. So yes, it's a practical aspect of reviewing when one doesn't limit coverage to just products available from domestic importers but canvasses the world nearly exclusively by direct connection to the factories, wherever those may be. Srajan

Srajan, just watched your latest podcast with John Darko. Great discussions and explanations on topics I've never fully understood and now can see just a bit better. Thanks for that. I also like how apparently, you and John divvy out the more esoteric and regular mainstream aspects of the hobby so that both ends of it are represented fairly. I've read all the comments that had posted when I saw the video and am impressed by how civil they are even on very tweaky subjects like media converters and isolation footers. John seems to have trained his audience well to keep an open mind which avoids the endless bickering and posturing that plagues other forums and platforms. I'm happy to see you branching out from just writing to also becoming a video presenter. You've got a good handle on it already. Compliments. Charles

Thanks, Charles. It's literally learn as you go in the public eye, no edits, no practice runs. It'll take time to get more telegraphic, take less time and still convey the facts. It's not easy in the heat of the moment especially with a colleague who can spontaneously open tangents you need to react to just as spontaneously. It's fun but also puts one on the spot and potentially off track to meander a bit. Doing it more is the only way to get better and I'm grateful to John for giving me this opportunity. Srajan

Hi Srajan, thank you for your mention on your podcast with John! This is great exposure with an audience I hope we can expand more into. I really appreciate it. The Nano footer is coming along nicely. I'm pleased with how it turned out for how small and relatively simple it is. If all goes to plan, I should have units ready to send you next week or at the latest the following week. I'll be in touch soon. Thanks, Jeffrey Jenkins, Carbide Audio

My pleasure. I deliberately didn't get into the bearing details since John's description box has all the links to our prior Carbide reviews and the current preview listed. So viewers have all the extra details they could want there and John and I didn't have to go beyond the already very lengthy 90-minute video. Srajan

Watched your Darko video on Raal 1995. I have medium hearing loss in my left ear and adjust my right channel down 15-18dB to center the sound. I use a Chord Dave/mScaler paired with a Zahl HM1/Enleum AMP-23R/Burson Soloist GT. I listen to Susvara, Utopia, 1266 and others with no problem and plenty of volume. I purchased a Raal CA-1a and returned it. The SPL was so low that I could not get enough volume out of them. Do you think that SPL out of the new 1995 models will allow me to push volume sufficiently? If so, I would order the larger ribbon model asap when they ship. Can you offer an opinion? Neil Snyder

P.S. My auditory nerves are healthy so with enough volume I hear about 99% of the frequency sprectrum. If you ever attend CanJam SoCal, dinner is on me.

Thanks for watching, Neil. This is really a question for Aleksandar the designer. Contact him through this thread on I know that Immanis takes significantly less voltage to play at the same SPL as the SR1a. I've never tried the CA-1a to know where it falls. Obviously needing 18dB more gain to offset your hearing loss requires your Raal amp to deliver far more voltage than for a 'normal' listener. With the new 32-ohm impedance interface, the Raal 1995 models can be driven off any standard headphone amp that outputs 2 watts into 32Ω. The interface plugs into your existing XLR4/6.3mm headphone socket. Your AMP-23R should output up to 7wpc into 32 ohms according to Soo-In Chae whom I just asked that the other day. I don't know how much voltage your Chord front end dispatches to your amplification. If you give Alex the voltage-gain specs of your hardware and the output rating of your amps into 32 ohms, he should be able to advise you on whether his new models will give you the loudness you need. I've not received my review loaners yet so have no first-hand experience until I do. Cheers. Srajan

Srajan, you introduced me to Tony Minassian's recordings, an affirmation of the CD format as being sub-optimized by many recording engineers. So, you might be interested in this review of Tony's CDs on PFO from last month. Michael

Hello Michael, yes, I'd already seen that, thx. My problem with Tony's recordings is the same as it is for many 'audiophile' labels. The musicianship and material itself very often doesn't match the sonic splendour. Fab sound of music I don't care to listen to is like a pretty but poisonous fruit I'll never eat. I find this to be the case with Waterlily, TRPK or whatever that Dutch label is called and a number of others. For me even Todd Garfinkle is hit 'n' miss. Srajan

Hey Srajan, I usually don't comment on your news announcements but a recent entry for a €3'500 linear power supply by JCAT now prompts one. There's nothing much in that box that warrants the price of a very nice amplifier or even pair of speakers. I guess Poland isn't immune to the general hi-end craziness? Only partly jesting, Daniel

I'm with you. It's why of the three press-pack pix, I published this one. I too had a disconnect when I saw it; and for the same reason. I was offered one for review but with only 5V/12V ratings available, I merely had a €699 FiiO R7 to try it with. So I declined, thinking that combo far too outlandish to be pursued by any real-world shopper. Srajan

Your BACCH piece just went live and what struck a bell for me was your comment on a lack of forward listener envelopment. I've heard something similar from Dirac for a few years but couldn't quite put my finger on it until using Dirac again last week with the M66 preamp from NAD. Yes, Dirac spreads the music wider across the speaker plane for a w i d e r soundstage but we lose some of the 'you're there' magic that went before. Dirac seems to separate the listener from the music so that the sound of music is more admirable but less present. John Darko

Srajan, so really no idea yet on Raal's pricing for those new ribbon headphones? It's hard to believe you could write up two pages of copy and not have that vital information. This suspense is killing me. Greg

When Alex is ready with photos, specs and pricing, I'm sure we'll be amongst the first to know. Until then, death by anticipation seems a good way to go? Srajan

Hey, legendary old wolf. I saw your latest Raal teaser. What an exciting product launch this is so early in the year. Like you I'm salivating to learn more. For now I wanted to touch on what Alex called you and ask how you perceive your own change from your early days as the new guy to now being a solid part of the online establishment. It would seem inevitable that doing anything long enough influences anyone's standing in the community. I'm curious how you perceive it yourself. Best, Charlie

Interesting question. Let's wait on my obituary for the answer. That's when more people tend to come forward to offer opinions. It's always for others to say what they think of our work and its value. I've worked from a small home office for some 22 years now. Though I travelled some for shows and factory tours, my MO is basically reclusive. l'm a modern caveman. I've got all the conveniences in a tidy bubble to make a living not leaving home. It's solitary so not for everyone. I was influenced by reviewers who came before me so logic dictates that I must have influenced others who came after. Unless someone tells me, I simply don't know specifics. While photos can track outer change, there are no photos of our inner selves or our connections in the world. It's virtually impossible to know how much or little we've changed over the years. I can look at an old passport photo and see myself younger but can't do the same for my frame of mind, abilities, influence or many other aspects related to your question. I can read my early stuff and compare it the most recent. But I can't comment on my standing in the community as you call it. Unless people tell me, I don't know. As you see in this letters section, feedback to that point is super narrow. If people enjoy what I do and benefit from it, I don't expect them to write in and say bravo or thank you. The fact that they keep reading is enough. Those numbers are reflected in my site statistics. I've obviously done it long enough to no longer be the new guy. I cut my long hair and now it's grey. Other than that, I mostly don't know. Nor is it important. My teacher Osho says, "just sing your song, then let existence worry about delivering it". That's exactly how I view my job. I do it with passion and to the best of my ability. All the rest is for others to respond to as they will. As long as I get to keep going, I need to know naught else. If here and there people tell me that they enjoy it, that's an extra. Otherwise the mere fact that this little wheel keeps turning is my reward. Srajan

Srajan, I think you nailed the effectiveness of 8c BACCH with this line from your review: "Whatever extra spaciousness it unmasks must already be encoded in our music."  Similarly, when I owned the Carver sonic holography processor, the effects could range from profound to nothing.  Personally I found the effect too artificial, but it might be because my ears were trained to listen to two-channel stereo. If you still have the trial unit, try playing "Suzie Q" by Credence Clearwater Revival on its eponymous album.  Many years later I can still recall the vivid sensation of sonic holography as the sound stage suddenly yawned in front of me! Michael

To be clear, nothing I heard suggested anything even remotely approaching 'surround sound' or 'envelopment' so a 2-channel stereo disposition wouldn't feel alienated at all. I simply found even the best-case enrichment of the recorded ambient field more interesting than compulsory; and that applied to only about half my music. On the other half I found the effect either too marginal or counterproductive. But it was interesting nonetheless. Srajan

Hi Srajan, hope all is well with you and that you've been enjoying the festive season so far. I recently moved to the lovely city of Spoleto in Umbria, Italy. I was invited to an important retro Commodore Amiga event back in September. I fell in love with the city and decided to live here for a while. Once I find a place to live, I will buy a system to start listening to music again after a long break. Dutch and Dutch 8C is one of the top candidates and I am looking forward to your review of the D&D 8C BACCH, Srajan. Cheers. Mevlut Dinc

Hello Srajan, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year. Best regards, Robert Kelly, German Physiks

Hello Srajan, I hope this finds you well and prospering as we turn the page on another year. Just wanted to check in and wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and prosperous healthy New Year in 2024. Best regards, Rob Fritz, Audio Art Cable

Dear Srajan, I just got caught up on my monthly dive into your new reviews and found your report on French brand Kallyste. They've really been flying under the radar even here in France so I'm glad for your review and see that you already plan on doing another. Our country has many unconventional hifi brands and some of them you correctly mentioned. I would recommend that you also look into Lavardin Technologies because they make some very unique transistor amplifiers you will surely appreciate. Again, thanks for the Kallyste promo. Jean François

We've reviewed Lavardin many years ago already. But thanks for the recommendation. It's often people like you living in a particular country who have the best tips on their hifi scene's underground. Srajan

Hello Srajan, interesting mini feature on 432Hz. I hadn't heard of the topic before so did the Google thing you suggested and came across lots of links including those YouTube videos. I found both the guitar and piano versions of particular interest because sidestepping all the byzantine theory and mythology, it's apparent to me even over a computer feed that the 432Hz tuning sounds distinctly different. I don't know how it translates to the more complex music I listen to but on the few isolated samples I could find, I certainly thought that the old tuning is rather more attractive. Even though a lot of the surrounding stuff gets a bit New Age for my tastes, the proof was in the recorded comparisons. Will you review the Boenicke DAC to dive deeper into this fascinating subject? If so, I very much look forward to it. Jens-Petter

I've not been asked to review it nor am I certain that formal production has even commenced yet. Review requests probably won't go out until that's in place and first orders have been filled. But if I get asked in due time, I shall certainly accept and report on what I hear/feel. Srajan

Srajan, nearly €100'000 for a pair of compact monitors which grabbed Dawid's award... just how relevant was that? Really. I expected better of you... Francis

Mind over matter and money? Pushing the envelope costs dearly no matter the endeavour. We usually don't play at that edge. Occasionally it's simply instructive to see how extremist applications come together. Clearly you have no interest to learn about that. My bet is that for everyone like you, there's at least one contrary opinion and person curious to live vicariously for just a moment. In which case that review has a good-sized appreciative audience to warrant its syndication on my site.  And as you noted, the award was Dawid's not mine. If you really feel the need to gripe about it to feel better, perhaps you should contact him? Srajan

Srajan, lovely vids with Darko! You seem very comfortable in front of a camera. It's nice to see you flex some other muscles than just writing. Can we look forward to your own videos on 6moons? Jacob

Nice of you to say. Getting video production values on par with my own expectations could involve far more man hours than the exercise might be worth. I've not decided. For now I'm learning more about how to speak in front of a camera unscripted and gauging viewer reactions as per John's comments section. I'm not saying no but also not yes yet. I'm enjoying the more conversational format of double-teaming with John who has years more experience with it. I'm not sure whether talking videos are a better format for my style of reviewing that traditional writing. But there could be specific applications where video is better. If it turns out that I have the necessary skills to do it, I might give it a go. I'd simply have to be convinced of its added value first. Srajan

Dear Srajan, I just watched your podcast video with John and wanted to congratulate you on explaining the benefits of open baffles. It really helped me understand how they work. Best regards, Thorsten

Glad to know that I could help. However, that wasn't all of it. Because time was limited, I didn't get into two other very important benefits. 1/ the loss of about half the usual room gain implies much improved time-domain behavior since room gain is purely reflective; and reflections by definition are always late since their path lengths exceed those of the direct sound. In short, bass stoppage is superior because sounds don't drone on. That means far less overlay on the vocal band. 2/ absence of box talk as the effect which capturing/killing a driver's rear wave has on the sound. There are no internal box reflections which come back out through the cones. These are two additional benefits that belong in any serious open-baffle discussion. Srajan

Srajan, thanks for your recent Telos review, getting the video and Jürgen's explanation. It's the first time a review of a grounding product has made sense to me. So thanks you again for that. Seeing how much you enjoyed these devices, will you keep them around for future reviews? Thilo

Glad to hear you got something out of it, Thilo. The Telos goods are packed and labelled with a pickup notice for in fact today so no, they're returning to Taiwan. When I wrote that I hated the flashing lights, I really meant it. But otherwise yes, purely for their sonic effect, I'd love to have something equivalent around, just without the backward cable orientation and disco fever. Srajan

Hello Srajan, I like the way you expressed yourself in our Telos review... Should we follow up with a review on our Monster Power and GNR models? Those would need more space to install as they're quite large. Ethan

Hello Ethan, your Monster products are too heavy for me. Unlike your banker clients at Hong Kong’s Audio Exotics, I’m no friend of unnecessarily heavy big super-expensive products. And with my system set up across two blocks (source gear on side wall, amplifiers between speakers), the amount of 6m long ground wires between those blocks would be awfully messy and not my idea of a good time. The same holds true for power cords of course. So thanks for the offer but I’ll have to respectfully decline. Srajan

Hi Srajan, how would you feel about doing a review of our Raidho TD3.8? It's an €88K/pr speakerMorten Kim Nielsen

Hello Morten: 83kg? I don't think so. But that's in truth not the only or main reason. With properly designed packaging which the speaker walks out of easily and back in, I could probably manage. But there's *no way* this speaker would come anywhere close to the bass performance I get with my cardioid Ripol 2 x 15" subwoofer. Like any other box speaker, yours will become omnidirectional across the lower 3-4 octaves. That means it'll involve the entire room to ride all three room modes with a vengeance. Meanwhile by virtue of its cardioid dispersion, my solution barely sees those same room modes. The difference is truly drastic. Most people of course have never heard cardioid bass unless they own Kii speakers or the biggest B&O. They have no idea how big the delta is. In short, a far cheaper far more compact solution would eat your speaker's lunch then spit on it. You'd not like reading it, I'd not like writing it. But I'd have to. So let's save ourselves grief and pretend you never asked. If you remember, already your smaller floorstanding 2½-way Raidho gave me bass problems. This one would compound them for no good reason other than to spend €88'000. And it would make no sense to still high pass it at 100Hz/4th-order to hand over to my sub when for that your very smallest Raidho would suffice just fine. See what I mean? Srajan

And that's how a stupid reviewer talked himself out of a rare assignment. I simply know my room and what it can support. It would be counterproductive and plainly unfair to accept too much speaker then bitch about the effects thereof. Yet they tend to be such that one can't overhear them. Then it's simply best to opt out. But make no mistake, 83kg too is a challenge I don't take lightly since I must do all my un/repacking solo. Often getting something out is easier than getting it back in; unless the packaging is engineered to a very high standard. That you simply don't really know until it arrives. If I'm unsure that I can return a very expensive loaner in the condition I received it, I'd rather refuse it upfront. Nobody likes a ruined finish; and I work to make a living, not to pay for costly repairs I caused.

Hi John, I just wanted to thank you for covering our Corinium loudspeaker on your video podcast. I must say that Srajan's piece about us was impressively well researched. I can't think offhand of another example of someone getting all those details together correctly. Do let me know if you want to do more on Corinium or any other product of ours. You mentioned the AE1 Active. In contrast to many it's a bit old school, being fully analogue in design. We've often thought a good review piece would be to take the AE1 with a standalone streamer/DAC and compare it to a fully integrated DSP + streaming product. Some HiFi guys like to build their own system, others like a one-stop shop, horses for courses I guess! Mat Spandl, Acoustic Energy

I subsequently contacted Mat who added this: Hi Srajan, great to hear from you! I thought your piece was very well researched and you are spot on of course about the flow of money and where it ends up. Thank you for building a story around the brand and the product, it was really nice. We’d like to do something on Corinium. You are right to say that it would be easier in Germany, our guy over there has the green pair as we speak. In Ireland we have Ken at Zebra Distribution, he doesn't have stock yet. So we need to think about how and when. You might also be interested to know that in the pictures your podcast showed, the mosaics in the shot are genuinely Roman and were dug up from beneath Cirencester aka Corinium. We thought that was pretty cool. Mat

Hi Srajan, I just read your exceptionally gracious review on Timi. While I was uncertain that you would accept to review such an odd product, you not only accepted but wrote an exquisite dream review beyond my expectations. I would be delighted to meet you one day and possibly host you in either Lisbon or Istanbul, at your convenience. Very many thanks! Adnan

Hello Adnan, my pleasure. One of my readers will be contacting you to acquire his own sample. He pointed out that your current webshop doesn’t seem set up for foreign orders so that might be something to adjust just in case the odd inquiry comes in from outside Turkey. Srajan

Hello Srajan, yes, he already contacted us. We will definitely send him one. And we will try to solve the international ordering system. Thanks again. Adnan

Srajan, I just caught up with your developing Dutch & Dutch review. The BACCH angle is most interesting. Did I read correctly though that they solicited you for a review then didn't reply to email questions? Presumably your email ended up in a junk mail folder. If not, it boggles the mind and portends badly for paying customers getting the support they deserve... Fleming

My email did go straight through I learnt. So did a second one with a link to my preview. On the phone Martijn didn't explain why he didn't acknowledge them. I tried to call repeatedly thinking like you that my emails were spammed. The phone kept ringing so I hung up. A few days later I finally decided to just let it ring. Now the call rerouted from the factory to Martijn's personal line which he picked up. I have no idea what to read into it other than the factory staff is probably busy in the back making stuff to not man the front desk or hear a phone ring; and that Martijn works out of an off-site office. None of that's any issue. Not answering emails in a timely manner however is poor form, I agree. It's precisely why I mentioned it in the preview. Srajan

Dear Srajan, looks like you enjoying writing this review very much. Can't agree more with the 1st paragraph on page 4. Best regards, Stephen Gong

Srajan, I hope you're on with the Dutch & Dutch BACCH review. Glad to contribute a bit of audio history. My hazy recall of sonic holography (brilliant name, methinks) was that it made certain songs quite holographic and others virtually unlistenable. Hit or miss so I eventually sold the Carver C-9. I suspect the D&D implementation will be much better. btw, I viewed the podcast video of you and Darko. I thought it well done! Michael

I looked at the podcast this morning and from the comments so far, people seem to quite enjoy it so I reckon this was just the first of many. As to the D+D, I'm still waiting to hear back whether my room layout is a go or not. Srajan

Srajan, I just finished your latest FiiO headphone review and am left wondering how it compares sonically to the Meze 99 Classic. I can see why you mention them being priced nearly the same but I'm still unclear how they actually differ on sound. Thanks, Robert

I no longer have a pair of 99 Classic. It's why I didn't do a comparison. My point is simply that as exciting as the Meze launch was at its time, the FiiO launch strikes me as a direct parallel on out-of-the-gate appeal. That's it. I can't compare what I don't have. Srajan

October 15th: Given Robert's question and the likelihood of others having it after reading the FiiO review, I already added a few sentences to that at the very end to clarify the matter.

Srajan, I think you just broke the PA-10 Evo! Just kidding of course but I was quite surprised to find out that it's just another Pascal class D design when none of their materials let on. I even downloaded the new owner's manual and didn't find anything to that effect. They simply don't touch the subject predictably because of the many assumptions that surround it. Class D. Eew. Perhaps I should rephrase and say that you broke this story? Good on you then. I actually don't think hifi journalism should involve any detective work but it's still fun to come across the occasional gotcha like when that expensive Goldmund player turned out to be nothing more than a rebadged Oppo. Noah

If you want to look at it that way, it was really Gold Note's Tommaso Dolfi who let that cat out of the bag including providing inside photos. I simply asked him how the Evo differed from the precursor. Would he have volunteered these details if Gold Note meant to keep them buried? Nothing wrong with class D especially when one can tailor the sound of a stock module with a proprietary input buffer; and other tuning features à la Aavik. Granted, I was surprised; but just because of the earlier miscommunication. That must have been a simple email typo from class AD to class AB which nobody subsequently bothered to correct. Being web-based, making such a correction would have been quick and easy for me. Back to your point, I don't see anything deceptive here at all. That would only be applicable if I had asked directly whether the Evo was class D then been told 'no'. Instead, the opposite happened. I don't see it as any gotcha but can appreciate how particularly haters of class D might see it that way. I simply come down on power per penny plus sonics. Getting EU-built and compact 250w monos for that coin is pretty much predicated upon class D. Srajan

Srajan, I just read your Børresen X3 review and though I actually really enjoyed it, I got hung up on the last sentence where you say "once you see the X3 up close and personal, it's really hard not to be impressed!" I italicized the word that threw me because as a loudspeaker review, I would have expected you to say 'hear' not 'see'. I'm sure that you're aware that the last paragraph and even more the last sentence of any review becomes what readers take away with them to be super important by shaping what came before. Are you saying then that the X3 looks better than it sounds? Charles

I'm indeed aware of the function a concluding paragraph and sentence serve, Charles. Even though I'm entirely self taught at writing and English isn't my first language, I have picked up on a few things over the year. As always, you're welcome to read whatever you want into what I wrote and how I wrote it. As to what I said about the X3 and meant, it's already all there in the review. If I had any more to say, I would have said it in the review. Once an assignment wraps, I'm really done with it. Should I discover an oversight, I add a PS. Here I didn't so really, that good ship sailed; all the way back to Aalborg. Srajan

Dear Srajan, isn't the eversolo DMP-A6 a direct and very worthy competitor to the FioO R7 so should be on your list of contenders for best of the year? I haven't seen you make any reference to it though so wanted to point you to it in case you overlooked it. Eric

For my particular usage, the eversolo does not compete at all so was out of contention. 1, its form factor for my low side table is all wrong and I wouldn't be able to properly see its strange widescreen display without some type of wedge angling it up; 2 and still more to the point, it does no headfi. No headfi, no competition, period. The true competitors I'm aware of I already listed. They are the A&K ACRO CA-1000, Lotoo Mjölnir and Shanling EM7. Questyle had a desktop full-featured DAP 'dock' that belonged to the same club but that's been discontinued. If you know of anything like them, I'd be all ears. The eversolo simply doesn't fit the same bill. It's cool but lacks a key feature that's important to me. Srajan

Srajan, saw your list of 2023 recommendations. Very interesting. I'm particularly intrigued by your choice of FiiO as the new server of your smaller system. I'm not personally fond of SD cards and would prefer an external SSD. Are you planning on trying out something smaller than your 4TB drive which wasn't supported? I wouldn't need more than 2TB but want to know wether it can support that. Thank you, Jim

I might still try a 2TB drive but haven't decided yet. I just installed a 1TB SD card which I haven't maxed out yet. Upstairs I certainly don't need my entire downstairs library in full duplicate. My R7 isn't a regular review item but personal unit which I bought as a regular consumer from an Internet reseller. So I'm approaching it just from my very narrow usage scenario. I'm not trying to cover its full functionality as I would attempt for standard review loaners. Srajan

Hello Srajan, since our last contact some time ago, I took this article you wrote three years ago as an opportunity to write you again. I enjoyed reading your comments. Actually, it's not a happy occasion at all. But you said something that was/is close to my heart too. My joy lies in the fact that a journalist is also taking on this matter. I would like to thank you for this and express my approval! All the best, Roland Krammer, Crayon Audio

Dear Srajan, I just worked my way through your most recent "cascaded" LHY reviews. What interesting coverage on a really niche sector of our hobby. I really appreciate your efforts in painting both sides of the picture, sharing what worked for you and what didn't and that regardless, this type of product relies on an already well-tuned system or otherwise it won't do a thing or barely matter. What I mean is that you made a good effort to not hype up a component category many of us don't have experience with or have never even considered but to approach the subject from a more critical nearly cynical perspective, share your honest personal experience then qualify strongly where others might get similar results and where they might not. Well done, sir. Thank you and best wishes to your family, Duarte

Thanks, Duarte. I had fun playing with these digital legos and am pleased to learn that my efforts to keep them in perspective came across. Using multiple LAN switches in series also was news to me. So were the fibre optics. It all made for the perfect setup to as you put it, apply a nearly cynical eye but also bring the necessary openness to perhaps end up being caught by surprise. That it became a little of this, a little of that then was extra fun. Srajan

Srajan, I read with interest your exchange with a reader about system matching (specifically DAC/amp) as it relates to the S/N ratio. My question is which amp weighting (110dB vs 130dB) has more impact on the listening experience? See example below from your Kinki monos.S/N Ratio: >110db (0.01Hz- 1MHz), >130db (A-Weighted). Thank you, Michael

Truth told, I don't know. Srajan

I guess the real test is putting one's ear to the tweeter and listening for… next to nothing! Michael

On the wider subject, I believe that in some instances, isolated measurements already go well beyond what matters. In-room ambient noise at 30-45dB; SPL loss over distance; the room's unpredictable impact on the time and frequency response; the lossiness of converting an electrical signal to a mechanical-motion equivalent between the amp and the speaker including a passive crossover's phase shift and energy storage plus the drivers' dynamic compression and mass resisting instantaneous response ... all of it paints a far muddier picture than 0.0001% distortion, 150dB S/NR in a DAC's digital measurements, extreme jitter specs and so on. Srajan

Hey Srajan, AI now writes audio reviews. Take a look: "Audio Analogue ABsolute was conceived from the beginning as a herald tipping its hat to the legendary Audio Analogue products at the top level of the portfolio of this Italian high-end audio brand. It was depicted to deliver the richness and complexity of music and ABsolute crux delivers it all in abundance. The inherited density easily projects a higher level of spatial components of the sound so that the plasticity of the music is always in the foreground and instruments and performers are reproduced with valid three-dimensionality. With any kind of high-end audio electronics, there is always a certain limit, a design restraint, where not to go with the sound and how not to lose the finesse. ABsolute is free of any of such glaring flaws that can occur even with much more expensive amplifiers. Audio Analogue integrated amplifier refrains from dominating with its sonic imprint. It stays out of the way, does not faux rejuvenate the music and consistently delivers unrestrained musical energy. The phenomenon of incomparable perception of differences that is intimately connected with some amplifiers and preamplifiers, regardless of price, simply does not occur with ABsolute." Actually, I'm only kidding. This just published in another online magazine by apparently a real reviewer though I could easily see this becoming the norm in a few years as AI refines to make itself more and more indistinguishable from the real thing. Are you worried yet? Fabian

I still believe that human creativity is capable of "nonlinear inspiration" which should be very hard to mimic in AI. But if AI were to harvest all the reviews I've ever written to build a personality profile, specific vocabulary, turns of phrase and assorted idiosyncrasies... you could be right and I obsolete in a few years' time. Best enjoy the ride before my hobbled horse dies? Srajan

I recently sent a query to John Darko whose answer might be of interest to a broader audience.

Hiya John, because I don't do wireless networked audio, I'm unclear on exactly what off-lining content implies. It seems quite obvious that you park streaming content in device memory to play back when you're offline. So far so good. But how does the content provider prevent you from permanently caching their music files for free? Are offline files time sensitive to expire? If so, how long do they remain playable? And what prevents you from copying them to other memory for indefinite ownership? Is there some code in their header that renders such files unplayable once their time stamp has expired? Srajan

Hey ho. So: the way I understand it is that the offline files are cached inside an encrypted area inside the official Tidal or Apple Music app. That way, no one can yoink them onto a desktop folder and steal 'em. And that's also why only the official streaming apps are green-lit by the record labels for offline content. The labels are terrified of losing content to a backdoor inside an mConnect or an Astell&Kern player's integration. It's why many new DAPs run native Android so users can offline content by way of official apps. To avoid you permanently caching for free, your streaming app will need to phone home within a specified time period. I don't know what that interval is. Could be a week. Could be three months. It varies from app to app (I think). So if you run Tidal on your new FiiO, you'll be able to use it for offline content no problem. But that Tidal app will need to see an Internet connection to phone home after a few weeks to let its corporate overlords know that the offline content is safe and that your streaming account is still valid. Make sense? John

Hello Srajan, please help me understand something. What difference does a DAC's signal to noise ratio make if the signal to noise ratio of the integrated amp that it feeds is not as good? Peter

Hello Peter, it's a point I've made many times. Your overall system resolution is only as good as its weakest link. So a DAC with a 130dB S/NR into a SET without feedback that barely makes 80dB S/NR obviously must leave crumbs under the table. Predictably your next question will be, would such an amp still tell the difference between a 130dB and 80dB DAC? It sure would. Active gain circuits are noisier than the best modern digital circuits. On noise figures, no amp competes; nor any listening room even with an elite ambient noise of just 25dB. In virtually all instances, amplifiers have far worse S/NR specs than digital. Yet with them you can still tell DACs apart whose figures are far superior than the amplifiers following them. It's why worrying about digital specs can really lead astray. It's why you can't successfully shop hifi just on paper. Listening is required. Srajan

Yes, listening is always the best test. Also S/NR is not the only reason for choosing a DAC. Resolution is not always the deciding factor. There are several performance parameters that distinguish one DAC from another lesser one. And one of these certainly would be the listener's preference. As you pointed out in the review, some people might prefer the darker fatter sound of the Terminator Plus over the leaner more resolved sound of the Pasithea. Peter

Exactly. And those differences are not reflected in shiny S/NR specs. Srajan

If higher resolution means those subtle cues/harmonics that make recorded instruments sound like the actual instruments heard live and unamplified, then I'm all for it. Thanks again, Srajan. Peter

It can absolutely mean that. But some high-resolution gear can also seem a bit stark and nervy so ultra-low distortion and noise specs alone don't paint the whole picture. Srajan

Specs don't tell the full story. Hence the importance of trust your own ears. There are 'science-based' forums where the participants don't seem to understand this. I took exception once when they were criticizing a product. Their comments followed a very harsh (but very funny I must admit) article written by their guru which really ridiculed the product and the guy who designed and produced it. "Snake oil" he said. The product was a small lightweight tweak with a money-back guarantee if not satisfied.

I simply asked if any of them had ever heard what that product could or couldn't do. Right away they jumped on me to the effect "Are you crazy? What's to hear?" type of comment. None had ever tried that product. Our communication went back and forth for several posts. I did not defend the product. I simply questioned their right to ridicule it if they hadn't heard it. I pointed out that there was a money-back guarantee and being a small lightweight object they could try it at very little cost to them. I also pointed out that when they engaged in this type of criticism they were in effect damaging the reputation of those who made it and thus damaging his livelihood. Plus they were doing a disservice to people who might actually have tried the product to see if their own ears responded positively. My comments were all very polite. At no time did I become caustic.

But they sure did. They become increasingly hot under the collar and condemning of me until one of them decided to negatively label me. I can't remember exactly what that label said but it appeared next to my name on every post. Finally the moderators shut the thread down. To their credit however, the next day I discovered that the label had been eliminated. You can still Google that thread, I believe. The forum was Audioholics and the product was the Akiko tuning sticks... a product reviewed positively by many reviewers... including 6moons which gave them a Blue Moon award. I eventually bought some. I liked them and I still use them today. Peter

Dear Srajan, I just read your excellent review of the new AQWO player. May I ask why you didn't bestow an award? The review seemingly led up to it on the last page before the jump but then came nothing. Did I overlook something important that precluded it? Just curious. Frank

I ran out of blue ink, Frank. Actually, it really was personal insecurity. Due to my hardwired iMac and not using WiFi, I don't view myself as an expert on 'audiophile' streamers. I've not reviewed much in their category because Mac/PC users like myself categorically have no use for them. Also, I listen to predominantly local files. Why run those over a noisy network? It makes no sense. Then the AQWO 2 isn't exactly budget priced. I don't know whether potential buyers will expect a custom app like Auralic, Linn and Lumin offer rather than fall back on a basic mConnect control app. Finally, I do think that the AQWO 2 shorts us just a tad with its omission of analogue volume control to replace a separate preamp for digital sources. These then were all my prior considerations regarding your question. Srajan

Hey Srajan, I just finished reading your thoughts on Martin's new footers and then saw his email to you in the feedback section. It's lovely to see a manufacturer express honest surprise about being awarded and admitting that to be sure he really made something very good takes more than just knowing what he hears in his own four walls but depends on feedback from customers and reviewers. It's a quite different and refreshing attitude from those manufacturer replies which are arrogant about their own brilliance and don't tolerate any disagreement about it from customers or reviewers. I can't remember having seen a reply to an award that said the maker was taken aback before. I imagine it must have been nice for you too? Thanks for all you do. Wishing you all the best, Karl

Thanks, Karl. Agreed, humility beats arrogance; though over the years, I've not really gotten hit by the kind of manufacturer's reply you're referring to. Obviously makers hope for favorable findings. But even where there are honest criticisms, delivered in the right way they tend not to trigger any acrimony. Expressing initial bewilderment over an award indeed was a first. But I understand it. "Just footers" will be a very common reaction. It's why the review itself goes into that expected reaction to explain why there's more to it if an isolator is properly engineered. Srajan

Hi Srajan, just thought it was about time I should thank you for your excellent review on the Vibra 68. It has taken a while for it to sink in—that’s people congratulating me on my feet—strange world. I was somewhat taken aback by the award sighting, after all it is only a footer but since your review published, I have had three other people take a listen and all agree with your findings. When I first tried them I realised that I had something rather special but then it takes all other ways to confirm it. Here is one of the comments.

"Thought I'd pop the Vibra in yesterday just to see for myself. Flippin' Heck Martin.... Stop it! 👍😍😍😍🔊🔊🔊 It's like adding a new DAC two levels above the old one. More detail and definition across the range but most importantly no loss of soul."

Thanks again and keep up the good work. Best, Martin Gateley

Well deserved. The way I see it, the real test of isolation efficacy (or lack thereof) is under subwoofers and full-range speakers. And it's here where many solutions claiming to isolate actually do a poor job. That people who haven't experimented with such applications might raise an eyebrow or two doesn't bother me in the least. But if I can inspire a few to give the subject a think or even better, a try... then I feel I've done my job. If that means going out on the resonance-control limb, so be it. As my review said, this isn't about voicing a system by shifting around a few resonances with an arbitrary mostly cosmetic footer. This is about an undeniable reduction of distortion that requires a properly engineered then executed isolation approach. Having reviewed quite a number of such solutions over the past few years, I feel in a rather good position to declare an efficiency ranking. In my book the approach of wire suspension wins; and of the three wiry suspenders I've looked into (Boenicke, sound|kaos and Wellfloat), yours came in first. That deserved an award, simple as. Srajan

Here's another: "Good evening, Martin. Many thanks for the speedy dispatch. Your footers are superb. After a bit of shuffling, I managed to decouple my LessLoss AC filter, Melco server, Chord M Scaler T2 and subwoofer. The effect is really profound. It's no longer the soggy tone mush from before. Now each image occupies its very own proper space in my room." Martin

Hello Srajan, any chance you'll be able to do a review of one of Canton's new floorstanding speakers? They look pretty promising, plus you've already got a nice competitor for the match. Thanking you in advance, Steve

In 20+ years on the job, I've never yet worked with Canton so I'm not sure. But I already penned an industry feature on Canton's new Reference 2023 range and contacted their marketing manager about my interest. Now the ball is in their court. Srajan

PS: I heard back from Canton. They won't have any review loaners for someone not already part of their usual press pool until possibly next year.

Srajan, I'm delighted that you're reassessing my Kinki EX-M7 in your main system as a way to drive your sub.  Thanks to your earlier review, it's my front-seat amp now tethered by a Kinki Earth loom to my Vivid Audio B1 Decade speakers. Michael 

Dear Srajan, I picked up on something you touch on in your Aaron exchange. You said that when you decide on what to buy for your systems and your reviewing work, you don't just consider your own tastes but whether you want to promote these components through public ownership. This is an aspect of reviewing I hadn't fully considered before. Of course I know that manufacturers love nothing better than a review which concludes with a "couldn't live without it so bought it" statement. It's like any other celebrity endorsement. It's free advertising. We as the buying public often wonder whether celebrities are given product free of charge just to wear it and get photographed with it. Hifi can't be much different and if the choice for a brand is to either spend on yearly adverts or spend the same amount on a promotional freebie, I could see the freebie being more effective if the reviewer and magazine have the right profile and readership. If you were to be offered a freebie which you otherwise couldn't afford or wouldn't consider sensible according to your personal metric of value for money, would you accept it?... Heinrich

Celebrity endorsements are a fact of modern life; perhaps more so in this age of the online influencer than ever before in living memory. High-end hifi is obviously far too small a pond for any reviewer to get on the same book never mind page as celebrities in sports, music, acting or certain chefs. Just so, if a true hifi expert like Michael Fremer acquires a cost-no-object turntable for his reference, it's probably the closest we get to a celebrity endorsement. If a 1st-tier writer gets favourable pricing because he works within the industry and doesn't waste a dealer's time, it's no different than a 3rd-tier reviewer getting an industry accommodation. Even a 70% discount as certain cable companies offer remains solid change if the starting price is €250'000. These aren't freebies at all. They're serious investments. I once worked in a shoe boutique in Beverly Hills. I could buy anything we sold at a hefty discount; and for the same reason. Customers seeing me wear what we carried made a statement. Likewise for the junior car salesman who works in a Mercedes-Benz dealership and already drives up in a small Merc not Honda. One needn't be a celebrity to have the intended effect; or get a deal from the industry one works in. It's common across all sectors. These aren't freebies, just discounts. And, I just don't see myself as a celebrity.

Next, when reviewing hifi from home not a separate office, there are limits to what one can keep around. How many pairs of speakers can you listen to at any one time? The obvious answer is, one pair. What if it's a 300kg behemoth you can't readily move or stow away? Or perhaps you have two even three systems in different rooms. Again, how many speakers in total can you justify keeping beyond the ones actually playing? What about storage? What about money just sitting on the side lines doing nothing? Expand out into all the other components of a system. Reviewers don't operate hifi shops. We don't stock deep inventories. Even a hypothetical freebie would hold zero attraction when your tool chest is well stocked. Anything extra becomes another dust magnet, another boat anchor. It's only the newbie's kid-in-a-candy-store syndrome that sees it different. Once you're established and set up on the hardware you need to work, it loses all appeal.

Personally, long-term loaners would have to fill a real gap in my current tool chest; or let me accept review items I otherwise have to turn down. But even then I wouldn't want a Bentley-level component when I play in a lower sector. I'm not into TrophyFi. I hold strong opinions on what matters and what's pixie dust. I have zero interest in the latter; and already pretty much all I'll ever need to do my job. As the years go by, potential hardware holes get less not more. It's why in virtually all cases I'm very keen on review items leaving our premises prontissimo after their review is done. Our home isn't a warehouse. So no, I wouldn't accept a pricey freebie which I don't believe in just because it's expensive or prestigious. I'm not into letting readers think such stuff is necessary or even desirable. Yet even just regular usage of 'trophy' bits showing up in photos of my systems or the equipment listings can't help but double as a sort of ongoing endorsement. "He uses it so it must be good and do something important." I don't endorse stuff I don't believe in. No gold-plated toilet seats or WiFi refrigerators which place email orders with the local food-delivery program. I have no use, appetite or patience for such stuff. In fact, perusing CNN for a cursory daily news scan, it becomes harder to even write about the stuff I do write about when massive fires play havoc in Maui or Greece, when Morocco just suffered a big deadly earthquake, when Hong Kong is flooded, when the Ukraine war shows no end in sight, when global suffering cranks up on a weekly basis. People lose lives and homes. Our kind worries about shiny toys and sound quality. Hello? Srajan

Hello Srajan, do you know what happened to HifiKnights? There hasn't been new content since July 14 so nothing in nearly two months. Are they still publishing? Günther

I presume that Marek and Dawid might be on vacation. It's that time of the year after all. I also know that Dawid does a lot of photography work so sometimes takes a break from hifi to keep things fresh. Unlike me he isn't a one-trick pony.  If you want more details, you should of course contact them directly. Srajan

PS: One day has passed and I just saw Dawid's Carbide Base Diamond review go live so their vacation must be over.

Hi Srajan, we're back in the USA after a nice two-week tour through some Mediterranean countries. Time to catch up on your site! I read your MBA review and the interesting reader exchange you had with Aaron. My takeaway is that the Kinki loom smoked the MBA cables if your measuring stick is simply price/performance. Now, if you are pursuing the ultimate system with commensurate amplification and transducers, you might elect for the top MBA loom or perhaps Crystal Cable. Here your example of car preferences seems appropriate. A final thought relates to your interesting point about equipment manufacturers understanding your system and preferences when considering 6moons for reviews. That point comports to my preferences for reviewers for films and food. Years ago I decided that I'd depend on Pauline Kael when she wrote for The New Yorker for her opinion on which movies I might like. I just found that our opinions generally meshed. Similarly, I depend on The Michelin Guide for dining options. There's a rating in the guide for inspector favorites (called Bib Gourmand selections) that provide good value for the price point. With that in mind, I might perhaps call the MBA loom a 3-star selection and the Kinki loom a Bib Gourmand. Both are quite tasty but your pocketbook will be disproportionately affected. Michael

Quite. Srajan

It's interesting that Matthew targeted 6moons for a review. One would have thought The Robb Report would be a more suitable target. And how could he have neglected the promised CD and not assured that his cables were appropriately protected from shipping damages? Similarly, the XLR cable's loose screw was a silly error. When one charges über pricing, everything matters in the presentation. Michael

Mark Gurvey and I had an excellent working relationship during his time at Esoteric USA. I believe he recommended me to Matthew as someone who'd do a good and fair job on their product for a global English-reading audience. As to the CD, agreed. Strange oversight. To be fair, the loose screw didn't amount to real shipping damage. It was more of an embarrassment for a connector described as the world's best. But yes, presentation and first impressions do matter; all the more so with luxury products. On first impressions, much about this gig was somewhat disappointing. But in the end, I couldn't fault the performance and I believe my review reflects the entirety of my experience honestly and fairly. That's all I can do. As a consumer by proxy, I'm supposed to cover the lot; from warts and pimples to beauty marks to flashy smiles and sparkling teeth. From all of that emerges a hopefully complete portrait frozen in time; of a single transaction with a single individual who happened to be a reviewer. As to The Robb Report, cables far more expensive than these enjoy reviews in other hifi publications. Everybody including Editorial and individual writers simply have varying thresholds and acceptance criteria. It's what gives each a particular identity and core audience. Just because I happen to draw the line at a certain price point doesn't mean I won't occasionally look beyond. To feel inspired, something about such a proposed gig simply has to be different enough hence promising to have me pursue it. My review explained what those things were this time around. So really, it's all good. Srajan

Srajan, I am not sure whether I should take you to task or applaud. I caught up with your developing Bond cable review. I can see why you are curious. If, as per your framing, this turns out to be a revelation or simply the next level up from what you have, I too would want to know. On the other hand, is not Matthew the same chap who lost his last company in a cease and desist lawsuit for declaring American product origins when most of his stuff actually came from China? It is not as though he left because he had newer better cable designs to promote. I note that you commented already on the unecessary girth of his interconnect when the actual cable of the ends is clearly far thinner. Far more disturbing to me is the pricing of his ribbon cable whose feel you describe as plastick-y. The cynic in me sees a desparate attempt to be different from Tara Labs so he won't get sued again; and to chase credibility by associating the new stuff with his most expensive prior work which apparently was well regarded in the press. So I am watching your review unfold, curious which way it may turn. If it blows your stuff into the weeds, at least the performance is there. If it does not but charges an arm and a leg then requires special care to dress and looks funky, I would feel validated in being cynical. How soon until you will wrap this up? Aaron

I expect to wrap in a few weeks, Aaron. As to why Matthew Bond left Tara Labs, I faintly remember something to the general effect but no details. I was in hifi retail at the time. I really couldn't speak to the manner of his departure and any follow-on effects. I obviously agree that this new ribbon wire is very dear. And I also agree that if there's no second coming to be had or at least a solid vision of it, it would be difficult to muster much excitement. Let's wait, see and hear. Srajan

Fair enough. I shall keep my eyes on it by the end of the month then. Sometimes I just need to let off steam when enough reviews of hyper-priced stuff hit my boiling point again. It is not as though your site in particular is really that often guilty on that count. Still, this preview triggered me and thanks for being gracious about it. Aaron

No trouble. We all have a trigger threshold. I generally stay below mine by design and leave what lives beyond to other writers who seem better equipped or at least enthusiastic to explore the outer realms. This gig is somewhat of an exception for me and I hope that it'll pay off. Srajan

I see you put it to bed now. Very interesting indeed. I enjoyed how you framed it. It's really no secret that going from 95% to 100% can mean ten times bigger expense if not more and that's what we have here. I also note your mention of extreme amplifiers and the speakers which need them. Like you I suspect that in such cases, a cable with this much conductive mass should move ahead more. Matthew's choice of supplying three Dynaudio show exhibits of ever bigger speakers with his cables indicates more of the same. Perhaps this was a case of wrong product, wrong reviewer? In any case, it looks like you made the best of it and kept your cool. Thank you. Aaron

There's a reason for our equipment and room listings ahead of every review. It gives manufacturers thinking about a review our hardware context at a glance. Now they can determine whether their product will be a good match or set off alarm bells. That bit of due diligence is simply on them or their agents. Srajan

I see Michael joined our discussion. I have one final question, Srajan. If cost were no issue because you won the lottery or some such windfall, would you rate the 5% high enough to want those cables in your main system? At the end of the day, I would consider that the most telling conclusion of all. Aaron

It is a fair question. Regardless of windfall, my mind still won't ever be that of a wealthy man. It looks at my favorite speakers and amps which cost a fraction. It doesn't comprehend why these cables should charge so much more. Yes the price of copper increased but still. When I acquire gear to live with and use as tools for my work, I'm mindful that the simple act of photographing it regularly as part of my systems becomes an ongoing promotion. That can't be avoided. So I wouldn't want to promote something I don't really believe in as though here it were sensible to mate €3'700/pr mono amps and now €6'900/pr loudspeakers with €12'000/pr speaker cables. As such I wouldn't rate these particular 5% high enough to warrant owning them. As Joe Private meanwhile and if I were to inherit a set from a generous neighbor who got out of hifi... I'd happily accept since at the end of my day, I remain a hifi enthusiast keen on scraping the barrel to chase incremental improvements. Srajan

Srajan, just spotted the new sound|kaos footers in your 'coming next' section. Should those be on my radar? It's hard to tell from one small picture but they look rather smaller than the Carbides. How about cost? Caleb

The preview will go live September 1st to answer most of your questions already. The review conclusion should follow shortly after. Unlike electronics and speakers, this kind of stuff doesn't break in so the effects are instant. Srajan

Srajan, any plans to test a Cybershaft clock yourself? With your Silent Angel and LHY reviews coming up, I'm curious how the Cybershaft will compare. Thank you. Robert

When Cybershaft contacted me to syndicate Joël's review, I mentioned being interested myself but for the time being, all they wanted was the translation. So at least for now, nothing is planned. Unless things change and time out just so to have those particular competitors still on hand for actual comparisons, I don't see it happen. When reviews publish, their loaners are returned to sender unless I buy them; or am offered a long-term loan to keep using them for future reviews. Just because I once reviewed something doesn't mean I still have it. 99.9% of the time it's quickly gone again. Srajan

Dear Srajan, I just got around to your Treble Clef speaker review; well, as far as you got on with it. I bet getting a speaker with its top broken off was a first in your career? I applaud you for telling us what happened rather than brushing it under the carpet. The maker clearly wants an opportunity to make it right and it seems he already has a clear idea on how. I would say that's a win/win all around that will end in a better product even if getting there was a bit embarrassing... Gregory

Indeed. These were first proof-of-concept samples which still suffered a hidden structural defect. It's perfect that the mishap occurred to me not a paying customer. Now the necessary corrections can be applied before actual sales commence and far greater embarrassment even a cancelled sale are avoided. Our review policies are very clear on this. Whatever happens gets documented. Shit happens. It's the human condition. How it gets sorted is where men and professionals step forward from boys and amateurs. I have no doubt that when the revised product returns, it'll be a memorable encounter indeed. Srajan

Srajan, very educational review on those enormous Carbide footers. Though I do not know of many, there are two other reviewers who stress the importance of resonance control like you do, Roy Gregory and Christiaan Punter. I'm beginning to think that it's an area I should pay attention to. Given your experience, where would you start and what would you recommend?... Caleb

Unless your speakers are compacts which can't do low bass and you don't play them loud to begin with, I'd start isolating them and/or a subwoofer. That's because the physical vibrations transducers generate far outweigh what all other kit does combined. Obviously a turntable is another very meaningful place because of how fragile the groove/pickup interface is. A purpose-engineered rack can be an expensive proposition. Minimizing the expense could be one of the popular bamboo stands which are more furniture than industrial racks and can be found for relatively little money. To turn budget hifi furniture into high-performance racks starts by decoupling them from the floor with a Carbide-type isolator which can be optimized for the combined weight you need to support. In many cases I'd expect that to get you quite near to a full-bore serious rack which adds more isolation between its shelves, uprights and/or components. The obvious upgrade path which one can now do in stages adds isolators to each component that's responsive. You'd test a first trio or quad of isolators beneath every piece of kit in your rack to see where it makes a difference and how much, then proceed accordingly. You could also find that simply getting your speakers off the floor makes a sufficiently large improvement to be perfectly content. That goes particularly for anything above the groundfloor which becomes suspended flooring to be inherently less well damped. Srajan

Hi Srajan, I really enjoyed your review. I am always impressed with your understanding of the technical problem and proposed solution. Most impressive though is your way of explaining things in a clear way. Thank you very much for your time and your thorough explanation of our isolation approach. I am pleased to hear of your positive experience under your DAC. I'd have considered simply hearing an improvement a win but it sounds like the improvements went a step further and were tangible. This use case under upstream components was the primary motivation behind the ceramic raceway project so this is good news. Jeffrey Jenkins, Carbide Audio LLC

Loved your Crustaceans bit! Good to know that you still rate the Pasithea so highly. Are there any other DACs for perhaps less money that you think would give similar results? I revisited your original Pasithea review and really enjoyed it. But I would prefer to pay less. Joshua

Then you should look at Morpheus in the same catalogue. It's the same designer and sonic aesthetic just not quite as resolved. Srajan