The return of Revox

Re:Vox– Regarding 'vox', our sector has Supravox, Voxativ and Kevin Scott's mighty Vox Olympian. But arguably the granddaddy of them all are Revox and their open-reel decks. Now the B77 makes a triumphant return in rebooted MkIII guise "The entire electronics have been optimized with the components and simulation options available today. Proven components are still used such as improved original Revox pickups with a considerably longer service life and the unique Revox motors. The result is this outstanding new version. All the new details, such as the audio technology for even better sound reproduction and recording quality, the precisely manufactured high-quality Revox pickups, a digital counter, the ability to play all common tape standards, a wide range of connection and optional expansion options have been perfected by our developers, technicians and designers. The B77 MkIII is made in the Revox factory in Villingen."