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Along the way of the tram, there's plenty of vineyards silhouetted against the mountain range.

From the trolley's Vevey stop, it's a hop 'n' skip to Nestle's lake front estate from whence the public promenade leads us straight into the old town.

As newcomers, we don't yet know whether the sea horse surfer statues down by the ferry pier are tied to a town fable or simply the tasteful work of a commissioned artist. Some canoe travelers called one of 'em a handy hitching post.

Approaching the Grande Marche or town square, we come across this somewhat derelict building which is presently being renovated. Mark the somewhat. Derelict and Swiss, as far as we can tell thus far, aren't really on speaking terms.

Here's looking toward Montreux and the Eastern end of the market's edge. We're told this place is hoppin' Tuesdays and Saturdays when the early birds catch the choicest produce at the regional Farmer's Market. That one is way up on our to-do list once we're a bit farther along getting settled in.