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Audiotechnica from Japan makes my favorite headphones. Here was a model I hadn't seen before.

Aurum Cantus by Haihuang Audio loves ribbons and, among some, enjoys the distinction as one of China's preeminent speaker developers.

Avantgarde Acoustic from Germany was sponsored by their eponymous Hong Kong importer in a vast open space appropriate for their mighty Trios with stacked bass horns. Company CEO Holger Fromme announced the 2009 launch of a new line of Series 2 electronics which will slot between the Model 3 integrated and their massive cost-no-object electronics. I committed to a review of the forthcoming Series 2 Firewire D/A converter which incorporates a lot of trickle-down technology from the big stuff. I prefer trickles to floods - financially speaking...

Bada Audio represents the rather under-represented sector of Chinese transistor gear and their catalogue spans the gamut from a 5.1 receiver to integrateds, CD players, speakers, cables and even two small valve integrateds. Eye catchers are their Purer 3.8 models which output eighty claimed 8-ohm watts in class A and 150 into class A/B while sporting massively milled metal work. The 20th Anniversary model adds 12AU7 and 6SN7 valves for a hybrid approach.