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Amphion from Finland was there with Duntonic amplification, a sub brand like Houston from Audio Space.

Analysis Plus showed a number of gold cables.

Arcam components were there in force, full metal jacket and all.

Arriba the brand has Kwan Chiu Radio Mfg. Co. Ltd as its manufacturer. The A6038 Arriba is an 845 mono with EL34 driver and twin 6922 preamp tubes for a power output of 38 watts.

Atoll Electronique from France showed a bevy of smartly styled kit in black and silver.

Audio Analogue from Italy played tunes with Magnepan from the US.

Audionet represented Teutonic virtues of understated cosmetics.

Audiophysic and Transrotor with Lindemann and Halcro for a truly international mix.

Audio Space had two rooms, once crammed to the hilt, one more negotiable.

According to their brochure, the Audio Space-branded line alone encompasses 30 models. From a Western marketing perspective which emphasizes focus and consistency, this could be viewed as a hit'n'miss strategy. "Something for everyone". Alas, in overcrowded markets, such thinking makes a brand's introduction that much more difficult. There it is best to keep a line short and manageable. Which isn't a criticism of any sort, just a bit of casual cross-cultural commentary.