The Thales tone arm is one serious bit of engineering and thus from Switzerland as is 6moons now. Okay, that was a few bits of confused implications too many in one short sweet little sentence but check out the animation of this arm on their site and you'll agree about that part.

theLars still costs €76.000 but now comes in various finishes, with an improved umbilical and upgraded tubes. I must read Art Dudley's review to see whether he concurred with my earlier observations or not.

Thiel had a static display which allowed close proximity to that driver.

I don't believe Thorens will ever get proper respect for Frank Blöhbaum's ingenious electronics under its banner. It's perhaps intrinsic to being known as the analog brand. Still, it did not prevent the annual speaker comparison installment of this year's event to use the TEM 3200 monos as load-invariant tube hybrid anchors. Here was yet another variation on reflection traps which could be sold to the interior designer as functional cubism?

New for Thorens was the TD-309 Tri-Balance table available from September 2009 in a choice of Black or Red. Estimated retail price will be €1000 – 1200.

Tidal Audio too relied on the Thales tonearm but the electronics and speakers were all their own. I should have -- but did not -- ask who makes those very attractive room tuning banners they had suspended on the sidewalls. I can't tell you how effective they are compared to more conventional solutions but to my eye, they sure clear the interior decorator hurdle with room to spare.

If you've wondered just how brutish the Plitron iron is inside the Torus Power line conditioners, here's a sample.

Transrotor too sang the swan song on vinyl in full Wagnerian force, perhaps not as symphony of 1000 but not that far off. After these photos, I gave up. They had many more tables.

Trends rides the zeitgeist of downscaling with a vengeance and has managed to package a lone triode inside their customary casing for the new PA-10 headphone/preamp.

Triangle's top Magellan model is big, especially if a wide-angle lens skews perspective and starts to induce the bends.

Trigon is a German company without, I believe, present US distribution. English readers can get started with Jörg Dames' review of their Recall II player which is perhaps somewhat unfortunately named as recall suggests not only perfect recall but also being recalled for repair - in which case the number 2 is certainly far from desirable.

The Trinity DAC and Amp require no preamplifier between them to build a system. More modernist room tuning sculptures in a very badly exposed picture.