High-End audio's in the toilet. Sales suck. People no longer care. Bose and Monster rule. Might as well close shop and sell Hot Dogs from a cart. More money in that. Less overhead. Less stress. No reviews. No dealers. No breakdowns. No bad ads with zero action. Just a li'l cart and warm buns and relish and mustard and ketchup and Polish Kielbasa.

But then the Lord said to not just sit there and wait to get run over. He said to eat from the tree of creativity and inspiration and hide the juicy erection behind a maple leaf. One Morrie Serber in Canada was listening. His Imagine Studios originally started life as an Interior Design/Architecture Company specializing in the architectural interior design of retail environments. Through ups and downs, he's been in business for over 32 years since.

Morrie and his team started out designing retail stores, shopping centers, corporate environments; hospitality, graphics and promotional materials; residential environments including home audio & video; and have been fortunate to win retail design awards for creative ability. As the business climate changed, so did they, with commercial contracts dwindling but those for residential home audio & video interiors growing.

During this transitional process, they started sourcing fine audio components from other countries, with a more European flavor rather than flashing lights and numbers. Their clients wanted products which were different, innovative and not carried by the average audio shop. Imagine Studios thus began their search for gear that was sleek and refined and a compliment to any interior as well as LifeStyle.

This led to introductions to various suppliers/manufacturers and various graphics-driven promotional materials to present their products in a creative and innovative manner to dealers on an international scale, not just Canada. Imagine's creative marketing skills, concepts and design chops have allowed them to create awareness of and sales for unusual product lines. Adds Morris, "So here we are today, having represented many products as well as dropped many because they weren't selling or lacked support. We had to make changes to keep things fresh, search for more innovative fine audio lines that would be appropriate for lifestyle environments and not just audiophiles. However, the product still had to maintain our high standard of excellence, innovation and quality..."

"If an item does well, we will keep it going and change its marketing graphics to keep it fresh. Other materials we change to keep the market interested. We do not use a website nor wait for someone to contact us. We constantly email our promos to dealers and other distributors which we set up as copartners. Sometimes this works, sometimes it does not. But if we don't market, someone else will -.and it's all about market share, isn't it?"

"Products which Imagine Studios represents today?

  • Mobius
  • Tidal
  • Aria Audio
  • Atrium Loudspeaker Systems
  • Audiodata HiFi

There were many more and we are making further changes, presently negotiating with other manufactures to represent their lines. On a personal note, my background is not only as an interior architect. I was a musician during the 60's, having always had a passion for music and audio."

Would you trust this man with your girlfriend?
Probably not. And that's exactly why you should trust him with your domestic interiors. Here's what Morrie would say:

We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves, who we are and the fine audio we represent. Our selections of products are different than most, mainly because our clients and their lifestyles dare to be different. These fine audio components are of high quality and innovative - Audio Art for the audio environment.

We are presently offering to our clients and dealers around the globe an opportunity to partner with us in presenting these fine high-end lifestyle audio components. Our approach is based on Form & Function - unique in style, shape, innovation and performance. And without exception and most importantly? It is a price-effective statement to the Arts.

It is our privilege to assist and present our selection of products in ways which are innovative, informative and visually entertaining. The purpose of such a presentation is to excite, to generate awareness and hopefully, create desire in dealers to copartner with us and support some of these products for their own clients. Let's create true statements in the market place for those who are in search of the ultimate system.

If you have any inquiries related to our products, please contact us at your convenience..."

Warmest regards,
Morrie Serber
Imagine Studios
158 Winners Circle
Brampton, Ontario L7A 2G2