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Copland's top loader not yet on their website embraces a new wrinkle on the lid which here rotates open on a hidden stem.

Dared showed their small valve integrated with USB input which has spawned the various FatBoy and related offsprings. As reader Kostas Fissarakis pointed out, it actually was a DIY-modified and assembled unit by the staff and members of the forum as were the speakers. But the Dared genetics remain factual.

Shown only on a poster, darTZeel apparently is about to launch a mono amp.

Davis Acoustics from France in a static display.

dCS revealed the main board for its famed RingDAC.

Duevel's flagship Sirius model teamed up with Unison Research's 24wpc 845 integrated amplifier called S8.

From expensive tubes to turntables is the career move EAT has made with their twin-belt Forte deck.

Emillé from Korea reported a different career move of the legal kind. Theoretically. Marketing manager Vital Gbezo informed us that Win Analog in the US not only openly copied their industrial design but then won a CES 2010 Innovations Award for it (product in question at right).

When an athlete wins an Olympic medal and is later found to have used performance-enhancing drugs, he gets disqualified, medal rescinded. Vital must have expected something similar when he duly informed the prize committee. Thus far, things audio seem to be treated differently.

"Do people usually get awarded for lack of creativity and design theft?" Vital merely grinned when asking that. "Perhaps we should simply chalk one up for blatant rip-off being the sincerest form of flattery?" We'll leave that an open-ended question and hope that someone in charge sees fit to look closer into this issue.

My favorite Gershman Acoustics Avant Garde model played with Magnum Dynalab electronics for a celebration of quality Canadian audio design.

Swiss Goldmund.

Gryphon of Denmark with EMM Labs two-box source.

Hansen Audio with Viva from Italy.

Hørning Hybrid
showed the Sati CD Transporter and matching DAC. The fact that their website lacks any and all information on these components besides acknowledging their mere existence with a link and solitary photo suggests that Holger Fromme's earlier observation about communication excellence being a requirement for future survival was spot on.

Put differently, why waste considerable time, energy and money to show a product at a consumer show, then offer no opportunity for interested parties to follow up and learn more? It boggles the mind. Hørning is far from alone of course. Try to learn something about Copland's spinner higher up this page. You'll get just as frustrated. That's why they call us a cottage industry.