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Nottingham Analogue had a nice lineup right next to Neeper.

Octave's top tube monos from Germany recall VTL's Siegfrieds not only in stature but operational smarts. After my review this year, Octave gets my vote as perhaps best modern push-pull valve gear on the planet.

Onix the brand connects to Hsao-Hsiung Pu of Sound Art Electronics Co. Ltd in Taiwan who also builds speakers for mbl. New to this reporter were the XCD-50 Philips PRO2-fitted top loader and the 160wpc XIA 160 integrated, both in very fetching black/silver livery. The Onix tube integrated below meanwhile stems from Melody.

Onkyo combined sound with visual mayhem as did a number of other exhibitors, most of whom I shunned.

Opera Audio/Consonance had a far smaller presence than their deep catalogue of published reviews might have predicted. Perception is a curious thing. Some brands are big but perceived as small abroad while others invoke the opposite. Based on Opera's presence and presentation in Guangzhou, I'd peg them as one of the smaller players on the Sino valve scene, certainly far smaller than Cayin, Melody and Sheng Ya.

Orgue Club USA we encountered earlier under the Diatone listing. Here's a photo of their valve amp.

Original is less so than their name when you consider the Bow Technology design cues of their Leonardo A9.3 player.

Pass Labs represented the serious American muscle segment.

Pathos from Italy seems relatively immune to 'cloning', perhaps because their designs are too complex to imitate?

Penaudio from Finland delights in Plywood veneer stripes.

PMC from the UK had no issues loading a huge space with undistorted sound. Bryston amplification provided muscle, Octave's top preamp steering. The pros do know a thing or four about sound.

Filed under 'P for posters', this is just one example of a distributor's muscle asserting itself in the hallways. Finding quality distributors in China remains one of the big challenges for Western companies. The good ones tend to already have all the lines they can handle.

Primare from Sweden showcased their goods on static display.

Pro-Ject had a number of cute phono boxes besides the expected turntables.

Pureaudio pursues a number of Fostex-based single-driver designs as well as valve amps using 2A3, 300B, 45, PX25, 211 and 845 triodes.

Pure-Vox appears to be a subsidiary of GZ Emperor Household Electrical Appliances Ltd. Co. of Guangdong while their design center is listed in Ontario, CA 91761. No matter, their turntables are doubtlessly aimed at the top clearaudio crowd, reinforcing my previous observation that China's audio sector is getting very ambitious in certain quarters.