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Lindemann from Germany has long since grown beyond the source component that put it on the map.

Line Magnetic Audio Design Lab makes vintage tube amps using Western Electric TA-4144-As, 1126s and 86s, permalloy transformer attenuators (TVCs) and super tweeters, horn drivers and woofers with field coils. For certain hard-core esoteric hifi-ers and DIYers, this exhibit would have been the bull's eye of the show. Meow.

Creevy Vu runs Lowther  China which seems organized like a club.

Here I spotted a Mundorf air-motion-transformer (super?) tweeter installation kit but attempts to wrest one of the units out of its case for a close-up netted an instant rebuke so I moved on.

Luxman of course has made a major comeback in the West which makes it easy to forget just how old, established and revered this Japanese company really is.

Lyngdorf showed their interesting open-baffle monitors and matching subwoofers driven by Lyngdorf electronics of course.

MAG Audio makes Chinese transistor and valve gear and showed with Calix.

Manger showed its unique bending-wave driver in a 2-way monitor with a ModWright preamp.

Marten Design from Sweden and Zu Audio's Presence share a triangular cross section in the former's Form Series.

Martin Logan was on static display in a massive importer's ball room.

McIntosh opted for 'live' and 'big' in their sizeable venue and "Tweeters Etc." gained a new meaning.

Mission from England was on a mission to show its product depth and I thought the big PC orbs were veigh kewl.

Music as in software sales was big, on the ground floor beyond the pool and on the upper floors. 'Audiophile' or 'serious' albums have incredible production values in the packaging, with silver-edged thick pages, gorgeous photography and sonics are superb as well. Content wise, much of what I heard was a bit light in the loafers, i.e. breathy vocals with minimalist accompaniment, but I also stumbled upon absolute must-haves.

Musical Fidelity showed its wares on silent display as well as active with Triangle speakers from France.

Morkai from Taiwan took a walk on the wild side with its Diamond F1 ported three-way and earned Western journalist bonus points for having a product catalogue in English.

Myryad teamed with Acoustic Energy.

Neeper Acoustics's Danish Perfection One got quite the workout from vinyl without an interceding rumble filter engaged while being powered from the absolutely gargantuan CAT tube amp.