Space. Silence. The interplay of light and colors. An open exchange between outside and inside. Whatever architectural terms exist to describe Jacob's structure and setting will strike audiophiles as poetic and subjective as our audiophile lingo sounds to outsiders. But let me ask you this: Would you buy a speaker from a man who could design this residence? I sure would. And it strikes me that a future visit to Southern India is indicated. Jacob informs me that one of his clients has hired him to help design an auditorium slash recording studio where classical Indian musicians can perform while being captured in a true audiophile setting. Needless to say, Rethm speakers will be used for the mastering and 6moons will review some of the forthcoming releases when available.

For now, congratulations to Jacob and his wife for winning an award for their new home but, more importantly, for enjoying a gorgeous space that seems consciously dedicated to establishing a serene atmosphere in which to work, live, love and laugh.
Rethm website