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Responsibility for much of the ultimate sound obviously goes to the unusual main driver array. Four 10" drivers simply move amazing amounts of air with almost no excursion. Even at high volume, very little cone movement is discernable. This allows small tube amplifiers with low damping factors to focus on what they do best, recreate space and tonal excellence.

These drivers have a remarkable ability to resolve musical detail without mercilessly exposing faults. I do not perceive a loss of resolution. Ambient venue feedback translates cleanly. Low-distortion, low-frequency extension fills the hall. Soundstaging and imaging are good. These are not specifically important to me but the Definition 2s serve physical visual effects reasonably well.

I have tried a wide range of components. Some tend toward lean, others more tube. The speakers themselves will not dictate a result. Earlier generation 1.5s and Pros were decidedly front row perspective. The Twos are a row or two back, or further depending on surrounding gear. It's a mellower presentation, due largely to the comparatively reticent presence band. Compared to the previous Definitions, these are voiced closer to the Druids though more resolved.

This commentary has probably come across as a parent would review a child. "My kid is brilliant in every respect but once in a while he leaves his lunch box at school." I don't have omniscient abilities and the ones I have aren't perfect. I have only had these speakers in one room though the design lends itself to credible translation. I have one set of ears, one brain and one set of priorities. I wouldn't pretend to impose them on others.

Seating distance should be at least ten feet from the speakers to ensure driver integration. Twelve feet is probably better. To test the limits, dedication is required. The old thought of finding the right placement and never revisiting that setup will leave a lot on the table. Curiosity and willingness to experiment and learn are not everyone's idea of a good time. The Twos do not present obvious resolution as displayed by edgier speakers. I would counter that the information is there but possibly softened occasionally. The super tweeter is not ultra-ribbon airy. It is significantly better than before and very good in fact but not ethereal.

Audiophiles are a jaded bunch. Excited perfection is promised with every new expenditure yet such outlays too often rely on unpredictable theory or hope. Zu quietly hands keys to the sports car and says "let's drive". These are excellent speakers in active mode. The next level is better than most audiophiles hope to achieve. It's work though. Reading our Editor's experiences with ASI's Tango speaker is an interesting counterpoint. That transducer and its approach to electrical/acoustic conversion is different yet both require a deft hand to extract all that flirts within.

Zu has been generous with their owners. They have extended an upgrade option to trade older Defs for the 2s with significant credit. The old boxes are being re-made into a new speaker titled the Definition 1.9 at $5,999/pr. It includes all new drivers and crossover parts, rebuilt and finished cabinets and looks to be an incredible deal. I regard the Definition 2 as a probably unbeatable deal at almost twice the price.

On price, Zu is imminently planning a dealer network and prices will go up as a result. Now would be an excellent time to get your flame job ordered. Their aesthetic may not be for everyone and isn't intended to match the latest wood interiors but they are not too large, can be placed near boundaries and are quite handsome if their beauty fits your eye as beholder.

Whether their defiant, painted, no-grill aesthetic fits your space is an individual choice. What is not debatable is that Zu is dead-serious about performance. They swallow pride and do not assume their speakers are perfect for you and your room. Combined with other talents they simply achieve a skill set not available anywhere else. That they are able to do so with less than stratospheric pricing while still building exclusively in the USA is astounding. I will be hosting a discussion of the review and speakers for anyone interested at
Quality of packing: Solid.
Reusability of packing: Multiple times.
Ease of unpacking/repacking: Reasonable for 100-pound speakers.
Condition of component received: Gorgeous.
Completeness of delivery: Manual, spikes, copper cleaner, jumpers, cleaner cloth, 2 x Birth power cables.
Quality of owner's manual: Good.
Ease of assembly: Mount spikes, find happy place.
Website comments: Reasonably complete, pretty.
Human interactions: Caring, personal, superb.
Pricing: Expensive but worth more than the asking price.
Final comments & suggestions: Destination audio.

Zu  Audio website