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The consequence of newly unimpeded timbral accuracy stretches across a number of sonic elements all of which improve the coherence of the presentation on a whole. Across the frequency spectrum detail becomes effortlessly exposed where micro nuance and low-level transients are easily discerned. Bass attacks are nimble and not artificially massive but profound when so recorded. Check out the soundtrack to American Beauty for one example of bass depth and clarity which made the #2 almost addictive. I played some of these tracks a number of times with a nutty grin pasted across my face.
The other end of the spectrum saw my Alexia’s stunning new tweeters show off a brilliance and delicacy that allowed cymbals, triangles and the like to shimmer and float with long natural decays. Striking wood to metal presents an airy vibrancy that with the right tweeter (and good ribbons will do this perhaps even better) makes for almost an apparition of the instrument within the soundstage.
Now real quick put some vocals into your diet with these cables. With the ZenSati #2 you’ll appreciate the vocal intonation, breath and guttural or throaty body present in well-produced recordings whilst the separation between voice and accompanying instruments will always be easily appreciated. This effect was taken to the nth degree when in a brief visit with the ZenSati distributor I heard their Trinity DAC. Man that's changed my digital world. An outstanding example of this would be Jose Feliciano’s "Light My Fire" (and others) from his Present Tense release. No matter how hard Feliciano plays—and he can really whack those strings—his nasal tone punched through the mix while the guitar was fast, detailed and fully discrete. And across the board as far as the ear could hear, the music’s dynamic expressiveness of every instrument was never once diminished.
Conclusion. In kasa Kramer cables have come and gone (some I’ve purchased, others were loaned over extended periods) and I've inadvertently become somewhat of a cable guy for 6moons. Where most reviewers loathe the prospect of tackling such tedious assignments, I honestly don’t mind them too much. I’m helped by excellent revealing tools such as the last few Wilson Audio speaker generations I’ve had culminating now in the extraordinary Alexia.
After some weeks with the ZenSati #2 interconnect and speaker cables, removing them from my system to revert to my own reference wires has seen a diminishing or reduction of my involvement with the music. Sure, my revolving and mixed'n'matched reference cable looms—PSC Monolith, CRL Gold, Harmonic Tech Magic, ETI Quiessence and Cerious Technologies among others—are equally outstanding in many regards and in some may even surpass the #2. But none have matched the ZenSati #2’s timbral accuracy nor their coherence in reproducing, or allowing the unmarked reproduction, of the musical event.
What the upstairs offerings culminating in the Seraphim cables may bring to the sonic banquet is, um, food for thought (and some serious financial planning). I’m told the word ‘more’ applies across the board. What bejewelled temptations you offer, Mister Johansen, ye conjurer of sonic enchantments... |
ZenSati respond:
Zensati ApS thanks Edgar Kramer on his outstanding review of the ZenSati #2 cable system. We agree with his comments and observations. A ZenSati makeover is truly another experience. We hope that Edgar can re-accustom himself again to not having them in his system any more.
Some clarification is in order as a note to the editor because the references he made about superficial similarities to other cables are incorrect.
With their shiny bright silver non-transparent cover and jacket, ZenSati #2 cables, the subject of this very fine review from Edgar Kramer, look
like no other cable ever made.
ZenSati cables are manufactured in Denmark from components from 25 worldwide suppliers. All in all we are talking about more than 100 components/parts from these 25 suppliers. The conductor for our cables is only one of more than 100 parts used in the manufacture of our cables in Denmark. The conductors are patented and made to ZenSati specifications exclusively. ZenSati ApS is the only manufacturer using—under specific contractual arrangements—the special conductors made for ZenSati ApS and made only for ZenSati ApS.
Cryogenics are not used in the manufacture of the ZenSati cables.
Any superficial reference to or similarity to any other cable company or manufacturer is a thing of the past as all ZenSati #3 cables have a non-transparent silver/gunmetal outer jacket and cover. The transparent #3 cable is long since out of production (3 years) and was the only cable that may have had a superficial resemblance to the cables referred to by the editor.
It is possible that the same company which makes our conductors also makes the conductors for the other ultra-high-end well-known cable companies in our industry. Remember that Nakamichi was only an OEM company before launching its own brand; and that Sigma in Japan has made many lenses for Leica and Panasonic and makes the electronics for Leica cameras.
May we conclude and again necessarily emphasize that ZenSati ApS manufactures its own cables and power cords in Denmark from over 100 parts supplied by 25 suppliers worldwide and that the conductor is only one part in the supply and parts chain.
Our kindest regards,
Mark Johansen CEO (ZenSati ApS) and George Fracchia CEO
(ZenSati Australia)