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HA-160D/LCD3 combo 1 - Daniel Ballmann (Basel, Switzerland), Christopher Vacano (Zürich, Switzerland), Orazio Massafra (Taranto, Italy); HA-160D/LCD3 combo 2 - Vilosh Brito (Surrey, UK), Riccardo Rastrelli (Florence, Italy), Mikael Johansson (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Review Component Retail: $1.250/€1.100 for Burson Audio HA-160D, $1.945 for Audez'e LCD-3

In late January Burson Audio contacted me with a proposal. They'd run a particular program with another publication which had proven successful with participation focused on the US market. Would I be interested in facilitating a rerun but this time for Europeans? I said yes. By February 13th Audez'e had contacted Burson to request inclusion in the program. Here are the specifics from Burson Audio and Audez'e.
- Ed

The Burson HA-160D: 6moons was the first to review it and gave it the ultimate Blue Moon Award. Full review.
At the end of 2010, chief editor Srajan Ebaen called it one of the best of the year.
And when 2011 ended, 6moons classical music critic Frederic Beudot selected it as his favorite of 2011.

HA-160D loaner program aka The People’s Review. Now have your say.  After all, why should reviewers have all the fun? We are inviting six 6moons readers—one per moon—to audition the HA-160D and post their unedited reviews on 6moons.  

Here’s how it works. Due to the time limitation of this program, we are inviting European participants only. 
  • Name
  • Location (city & country)
  • Your headphones
  • The rest of your gear (headphone amps, speakers, power amps, DACs)
  • Your type of music
  • Photos of your gear (the one you have listed) as a JPEG attachment.
  • Registration ends on the 28th of February
  • Six lucky participants will be selected and announced on the 28th of February.
  • Two HA-160D units will be sent on the 1st of March to circulate between the participants.
  • Alex Rosson of Audez'e will contribute two pairs of LCD-2 headphones to this program. They will be circulated in Europe alongside our two HA-160D units. This is a unique chance for European audiophiles to trail two really well regarded and well matched pieces of fine headfi.
  • Each participant has 2 weeks to evaluate the machine and submit a review to Srajan and cc Burson.
  • Srajan will post these reviews unedited as they come in just like any other 6moons reviews. 
  • All costs of transit, import duties etc. are covered by Burson Audio and Audez'e. 
Final Notes: These are not meant to be extensive reviews conducted by professional reviewers. We are hoping to hear from real people telling us how they feel about the HA-160D. It can be subjective and informal, which will add a degree of relevance to the audiophiles. Some may have more experience with equipment, others may have more experience with certain types of music. In the latter case he/she can report on the performance of the HA-160D while reproducing that music. It's all good. Please follow us on Facebook & Blogger - DIY audio, tips, news and all things audiophile.

28 February 2012 03:36. "Alex Rosson of Audez'e has just contacted us regarding the loaner program. Due to the popularity of this campaign and the quality of 6moons readers who have registered their interest, Alex has decided to retrieve the LCD-2s from us and instead upgrade us to two LCD-3s. These will be touring Europe alongside our HA-160Ds. It's a truly exciting development and we thank Audez'e for their contribution. It also means we can't dispatch the loaner packages on the 1st of March as planned. Instead we have to wait for the new LCD-3s to arrive to us first, then dispatch the 2 packages on the 7th of March. We have already selected 6 participants and will announce them tomorrow." - Burson Audio

29 February 2012 12:05. "There were over 50 registrations of interest from European 6moons readers. Their collections of audio equipment and photos were overwhelming. At the end the selection process was nothing more than randomly drawing six names from a hat. And these were the 6 names selected. The loaner combos will be sent out in the order below.
HA-160D/LCD3 combo 1: 
Daniel Ballmann (Basel, Switzerland)
Christopher Vacano (Zurich, Switzerland)
Orazio Massafra (Taranto, Italy)
HA-160D/LCD3 combo 2:
Vilosh Brito (Surrey, UK)
Riccardo Rastrelli (Florence, Italy)
Mikael Johansson (Gothenburg, Sweden)

"We thank all those who registered their interest with us and are deeply sorry for those missed out. We hope that they can stay in touched with Burson Audio and Audez'e as fellow audiophiles." - Burson Audio