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These display cases contained Furutech products, Analysis cables, Clearaudio cartridges and Vibrapod feet.

Usher's D2, the heaviest speaker at the show, is a 2-way horn-loaded affair. Despite its colossal size, it was driven easily by the Accustic Arts AMP-1MKII with Preamp-1MKIII, Tube DAC-1MKIV and transport Drive-1MkII. The system had a really deep soundstage with irresistable mids and highs. The next day Elac's FS 210 CE moved in showcasing their new 4Pi omni tweeter to easily distinguish it from previous Elac models. New technologies included the new JET III ribbon tweeter and Crystal Remembrance woofer.

Best sound of show came from this system set up by the two directors of Acapella—Mr. Hermann Winters—and Einstein Audio, Mr. Volker Bohlmeier. Acapella's Campanile MKII, two Einstein Audio The Final Cut OTL monos, The Absolute Tune dual-mono tube preamp and The Source CD player performed a live concert. Sitting in front of them was just like sitting front-row center of a real stage. Acapella also showed the Lacampanella MKII [lower right].

Mr. Volker Bohlmeier from Einstein Audio and Mr. Vu Duc Cong from the Cong Audio dealership.

The Harman Group presented their flagship products in the next room. Their system was a combination of JBL's top-line Everest DD66000, the latest top model from Mark Levinson called the N°. 53 mono power amp with N°. 326S preamp and N°. 512 SACD player. The performance was stunning - fast, dynamic, detailed, smooth, coherent and real.

Here is the new Mark Levinson N° .502 pre/processor.

All new Mark Levinson gear - N°. 501  pre/processor, N°. 53 class D monos, No .326S preamp and N°. 512CD player.

Mr. John Batliner in the blue shirt is the Vice President of the Harman Group and here he presented a mini seminar about the Harman Group and its new products.

One of the most expensive systems at the show included the Avalon Time, the latest model from Avalon demoed with all VTL amplification and a dCS source. Everything you can imaging possible from a superior system was presented here..

Best of VTL: the Siegfried monos—Product of the Year 2008 of The Absolute Sound—with TL7.5 preamp. These electronics will set you back about $53,000.

The premium source equipment of the show must have been this full dCS Scarlatti system for $80,000.

Mrs. Bea Lam, VTL's operation's manager, showed us new Siegfried features like valve lifetime display, bias status and more.

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Editor of Stuff Viet Nam Magazine
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