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JMlab's reference Diablo Utopia speakers were shining under the control of ASR amplifiers and the dCs digital front end including the new Scarlatti CD/SACD transport. I do understand those who regard this sound a tad too hifi but there are aspects to it that are irresistible.

To this day I have never given serious thought to what the hifi system in heaven would look or sound like. Everything But The Box offered visitors some ideas. I wouldn't mind if their Terra speakers survived death but the scrappy monotonic techno noise they pumped out I would bury deep in the ground hoping that worms are deaf. The role of the butler remained unclear unless he worked for the gate keeper. The mbl speakers could be seen at local shop Audio Concept.

The illumination in the Norwegian Hegel department was pale as hell but the sound of the main system, via Wilson Benesch speakers, was dynamic and tight, more spiritual than emotional.

Harbeth's flagship Monitor 40 shouted loud incited by Herron electronics and a Wadia digital deck. The music selected however did not flatter this old British gentleman who must have felt an orphan in the huge room.

Danish Audiovector gave a nice demo on the sonic differences between its speaker models - nice because the presenter didn't ask the audience to listen to something that would not be audible. The differences were there. The Audiovector speakers feature the manufacturer's own version of Dr. Heil's ribbon or more precisely, accordion tweeter. The Heil tweeters have become very popular recently presumably because the original patent has expired.

The Swedish combo Primare & System Audio was present ex officio.

Accessories were not forgotten. At left is a power cord by Furutech, with the Audio Desk CD-cleaner and Swedish Entreq below who make Vibb-eaters that could keep company to my daughter's guinea pig. The purpose of these rodents stuffed with copper based sand and small amount of some precious metal is to kill a system's unwanted energy manifestations, i.e. vibrations. The manufacturer recommends using them on top of speakers but nothing prevents you from trying them under an amplifier, for example.

There was a radio with a hand crank and an acoustic panel from an unknown maker.

In parallel to the show in the nearby Kungsholmen, one of the major local dealers Audio Concept kept their doors open over the weekend. And good they did by that. The selection of true high-end gear in the basement was impressive, from Boulder to Atma Sphere, McIntosh to Nagra ...

At the back of the basement ,Svanå Miljö Teknik had built their Level 3 Room which features a full range of SMT's products, from Creations diffuser panels to Golden horns, probably the most broad-band HF diffuser on the market. This room must be heard to be believed.