Luxman had far more than this small integrated but considering the economy, it seems fair to 'profile' their entry-level piece. It's called SQ-N100, belongs into the NeoClassico Series, includes remote control and an MM phono stage with three line-level inputs, then offers 12wpc into 6 ohms from 4 x EL84 driven by 1 x ECC83 and 2 x ECC82. Naturally, 12 watts require appropriate speakers but that domain is far more stocked these days than it was 5 years ago. The smart money goes for speakers with linear high impedance and high sensitivity, then a Smart Car amp -- small, excellent fuel efficiency -- is all one needs. Easy.

Magico held court in a room so dimly lit that press members were either forced to bring a monster flash or request a brief lights-up moment. I went for the moody ambience to not disturb listeners.

Marantz had created pre-show stir with an announcement of the pearl, the customary Japanese gift for a 30th anniversary which here relates to their association with Ken Ishiwata as their spokesperson and ambassador at large. Unlike boutique operations which might use the opportunity to burden us with another €76.000 silliness, Marantz introduced two perfectly rational anniversary Pearl components.

Those who assume the 'm' in Marantz is for mainstream and hence midfi might want to look deeper.

mbl was present in force and the force was certainly with them.

Montegiro turntables are very picturesque, particularly the Lusso and Legno.

Mordaunt Short was as sleek as seal skin - and entrusted the sound to Marantz.

Morel from Israel demonstrated their flagship proof-of-concept model The Fat Lady in her carbon skins over glass fiber, with all purpose-designed drivers. The room treatment was not what I'd call living-room friendly but cubic mass does do the job.

Mudra Akustik showed these powerline prototype and production pieces.