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When we first arrived in Switzerland after closing down our Coral Bay residence in Cyprus, I acquired a pair of Beyer DT880 to have something to listen to and bridge the gap until our 40-foot container arrived (which ended up delayed by three weeks). The local shops didn't have any top-line Grados or AKGs or Denons so Beyer it was.

Once the container trundled in and with it, my customary Audio Technica ATH-W1000s and AKG K-1000s, the Beyers proved hopelessly outclassed. But that's a matter of taste. It's all about personalization for which Beyerdynamic runs a trick on-line a custom design department you can access here. You can specify 32, 250 or 600-ohm impedance; a straight or curled 3-meter cord; order two-line customized engravure (10 characters per line); and alter appearance with a broad choice of colors and textures for various trim bits. If for example... don't fancy the DT990 looking like this...

... turn 'em into this. Now that is slicker th'n shit as American slang would put it.

The Davone Rithm from Denmark is far shorter/lower than published photos would suggest. Standing next to a slim Penaudio tower speaker settles the matter conclusively. Has any speaker ever looked like it?

Those who've followed Stereophile's Stephen Mejias' blog and his wavering on what color to get for his Rega may not have fully appreciated his challenge. The next photo explains it.

While on this whole pride-of-ownership interior-design customization thing, check out Audio Tools' video corner. With their selection of gear, these guys clearly get how vital it is for our sector to add a sense of (life) style to the ubiquitous black hifi drab and audio boxiness. If those lamps below were actual speakers, it would be even more awesomacious. Still, 'Audio Tools For New Hifi Design Presidents' would be my bumper sticker for Klangschloss 2009.

Cosmetically more conventional but technically very hip was the W-squared exhibit of Wave Control & Weiss.