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Vandersteen's adaptable bass system really paid off in their typically size-challenged hotel room.

The masters of low-frequency disaster where bigger is better, Velodyne.

Verity Audio - not inexpensive from model to model but always to be relied upon for superior sound, particularly with Nagra and AirTight. Note the triple-threat layout of the room whose presenter could easily switch between three systems and five pairs of speakers (two Thiels on the right side wall).


Von Schweikert with Manley Labs.

This Lowther speaker with HiVi/Swans ribbon was identified as "W by Bruno Ferreri".

Wilson Benesch
with Mimetism.


Xavian and Hegel.

XTZ from Sweden might be punk shorthand for ecstasy? The XTZ 99.36 with Seas drivers and ribbon tweeter in "moulded Carbon steel" can be adapted from ported to sealed alignment and adds four tweeter contour clicks to tailor the response to the room. The matching Class-A 100 D3 integrated can be operated in 50wpc class A or 110wpc class AB mode. The company's Jens Wiklund requested a review of their Divine 100.49 model while I was in Athens so possibly in the new year, we'll have a formal performance report on this company.

A few arbitrary impressions of larger show spaces.

Despite the very spotty picture quality throughout—I made numerous silly mistakes with camera settings, including shooting a number of rooms in unintentional close-up to result in complete blur without realizing it until back home— this report hopefully still conveyed just how packed this event was with products and brands. Kudos to the organizers and the strong unilateral support from the professionals of the Greek hifi market. Without looking behind the scenes, one could actually walk away from the Imperial Hotel thinking all was perfectly peachy with our industry. Considering the function such shows are supposed to fulfill, I'd say that was mission accomplished then to a 't'. Bravo!

In this final photo, note the obligatory caffé frappé and cigarette pack for any visit to Greece. I think I'll be back next year.

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