
Manufacturing help line

Most people know me from the brands Acelec, Metrum Acoustics and Sonnet. I've been globally active with the Metrum Acoustics brand since 2009 and on the Dutch market for another 20 years prior. Over the past four years we added Acelec and Sonnet with my highly valued partner Lion Kwaaijtaal. Lion is responsible for production but also manages the people who work for the mentioned brands. There are people in aluminum processing, assembly and for already a year also in hardware/software development plus sales and marketing. I still contribute in the background but now have far more time for other things. Those who know me know that I can't sit still. I want to use my time meaningfully.

In recent years I've used my broad technical knowledge on these brands but also immersed myself in audio marketing which led to a large network of insider relationships. Given the free time that has arisen, I want to use my expertise to help small and start-up companies on a business and tech level. As a new start-up one sometimes runs into the wrong people, can't find the right production channels or doesn't have proper machinery to get the most from a new design. All this is apart from the costs it entails and the mistakes that could have been prevented with the right knowledge. For this group I'm prepared to offer my expertise at very low cost; or even pro bono where possible. There are companies already on the way which might be interested to see what I can do for them. For the moment I still must design a website that goes a little deeper into the available expertise but it will focus on electronics, acoustics, measurement, production, regulations and marketing.

When I got started, I was helped by many people and probably wouldn't have been able to make it this far without them. Now it's my turn to give back.

Interested parties may reach me at info # acelec.nlCees Ruijtenberg