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I also inserted the Stealth into my TV system and was thoroughly stunned by how much clearer and more colourful and vivid the picture became. I have been surprised with improvements to picture quality with previous conditioners but not to the degree provided by the Stealth.

I tried all manner of power cords. All seemed to work well. It was more a matter of a little tuning here and there. However, Sablon Audio’s Corona series cables were my favorite combo with the Stealth. My only issue with the Stealth was that I preferred my computer-related audio components—i.e. the PC, NAS, network switch—connected on a separate dedicated line, either with an old Monster Cable HTS-2000 or one of Blue Circle’s PLC Thingies. Your experience may differ. The only connection between my audio system and PC front end is the digital cable connecting my DAC to John Kenny’s electrically isolated battery-powered JKSPDIF Mk 3 S/PDIF-USB converter. I’m guessing that the further filtering and isolation provided by a separate dedicated line with its own power line conditioning was superior to plugging my PC components directly into the Stealth.

While the Stealth is a little on the expensive side compared to many of the PLCs I am familiar with, I can’t say I ever used one that impressed to such a degree right across the board, even with my amp connected. Who knew that my AC was this lousy? Most power line conditioners can be lumped into two camps; those that excel at damping, noise reduction and enhancing image density (noise filters); and those that major on dynamics, speed and excitement (pace setters). The Bybee Stealth Power Purifier does both. And just to underline some of my above comments, its positive effects are more of the musically engaging variety than mere sound effects. If you are wondering if I’d buy one, you’d call it too mild. I would buy two if only I had the scratch. Mortgage, kids and life’s little emergencies are a constant bane to the average music-loving ’phile and one must prioritize. It’s sure nice to dream though. Recommended. Big time!

Quality of packing: Excellent.
Reusability of packing: Seems reusable several times.
Quality of owner's manual: All it needs to be.
Condition of component received: Perfect.
Completeness of delivery: No issues.
Website comments: Has decent pictures and descriptions of products.
Human interactions: Friendly and helpful.
Pricing: Compared to many similar products, excellent value.
Warranty: 30-day money back guarantee and in-home trial. 5 years parts & labour.
Final comments & suggestions: None.

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