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I had a pair of an older generation of Aurora power cables that I had given to my dad some time ago. Recently I dropped by and swapped out the old series III+ Auroras in his system for the new. While it was a shorter session than I would have liked, the superiority of the 5² was readily apparent as being cleaner and quieter, with less noise and more dynamics - not a major difference but readily apparent and worthwhile.

As good as the Matrix was at extending the sonic goodness of the Auroras to other components, the BPT power bar resides on another plane altogether - which it should considering the vast price differential. The Auroras and Matrix are a good affordable start for a decent power delivery system but you'll probably want additional conditioning for at least your sources when funds permit. Plugging my AV system into the Matrix with an Aurora feeding it juice from the wall outlet gave a slightly more vibrant picture with deeper colors. However, this paled against the audio improvement. Dialogue was clearer, more intelligible and background noise dropped. I wouldn't say the improvement was as good as some expensive line conditioners I've tried earlier but for the low cost, I thought it worthwhile.

The overall improvements observed during music playback with the full Wireworld cable loom was consistent across interconnect, power cords and speaker cables as a cohesive, fulsome, detailed, dynamic, smooth, noise-free and resolved sonic picture. Perhaps other cables offer greater bass, more explicit highs or a more palpable midrange but the Wireworlds are a supremely balanced line of cables that will let you hear more of your music than you'd expect for the price. It thus gets my highest recommendation for wallet-conscious music lovers.

Until now, I do not believe I have ever lobbied our publisher to issue an award for a cable line but considering the above and to the extent that the designer's goals were met plus the reasonable pricing, a Blue Moon Award does indeed seem warranted.

Quality of packing: Excellent.
Reusability of packing: Appears reusable several times.
Quality of owner's manual: Not required.
Condition of component received: Flawless.
Completeness of delivery: Perfect.
Website comments:
New and much improved.
Human interactions: Professional and friendly.
Pricing: There's a Wireworld product for every wallet. Even the low-end products feature the same core principles. The only differences are the amount and quality of materials used.
Final comments & suggestions: None.

Wireworld website