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The Madison Audio Lab versus the Audio Arts speaker cables were a closer contest and both paired well in mix and match configuration although the two had divergent overall signatures, transparency versus organic. The Audio Arts SC-5SE is a silver-coated OFC copper in a polyethylene dielectric and hits $525 for a 6-foot single run with gold-plated spades and $30 more with bananas. In double run biwire it retained the character of the company’s matching interconnect - controlled, quick, transparent and powerful. It was honest enough to translate warmth and dimensionality but didn’t create it. Dynamics, frequency extension in either extreme and power in the lowermost octaves were a bit better on the SC-5SE. The Madison Audio Lab showed a little more richness of texture in the mids through upper bass where it played its strength of vivid presence and countered the Audio Arts’ greater upper extension with superior smoothness and refinement, plus in double run a touch better focus.

How did the Madison Audio Lab cables perform against their higher-priced siblings? At $1,668 CND for the E3 Extreme 1 speaker cables (2.5m), $1,194 CDN for the E3 Extreme 1 interconnects (1m) you would expect a higher standard and the expensive wires were definitely a cut above. They held on to the same core signature but added a commensurate qualitative leap, revealing the lower-priced brethren to be more brash and exaggerated in style. The loftier E3 interconnect had the advantage of the outboard star grounding pod and its contribution was quite dramatic. The SGP arrangement is designed to eliminate RF/EMI from entering the system via the cable and in practice it significantly reduced the noise floor, uncovering considerably more relevant information. In short, higher resolution with wider dynamic range. With more detail to play with, the system created more realistic images and made dynamic changes more continuous and natural. The E3 speaker cable distinguished itself by flexing a little more muscle in the lower octaves and opening up the upper octaves a little further, improving transparency and carving out a deeper soundstage. The combined E3 set replaced the exaggerated vividness of the lower priced setup with a more natural rendition where instruments were lit from within and occupied a larger and more pronounced space. Ultimately the progression here was one of incremental improvement, expanding on strengths while eliminating weaknesses.

Does that make the less expensive cables a much lesser offering? Happily no. They are simply designed to better serve systems at a lower price point. The key strengths of the premiere product are largely preserved and highlighted with a touch of over exuberance. The failings in the Extreme Standard interconnects and Extreme Reference 1 speaker cable amount to a lack of absolute refinement and limitations in soundstage presentation. By compensation they demonstrate increased vividness in the midrange through upper bass regions which honors the beauty of music and keeps the flaws of the recording in the background  to be forgiving and demonstrative at the same time. In a full scale cost-no-object system these are failings. In a lower-priced system, these conceits should present the music with compelling intensity. As a design compromise, being convincing is as important as being absolutely right.

Conclusion. The Extreme Reference Standard 1 and 2 interconnects and Extreme Reference 1 speaker cable make an audacious statement with sheer enveloping vividness. Yes they are guilty of exaggeration in that department but it’s most certainly a guilty pleasure. The level of involvement these products achieve would be commendable even in a premiere effort. At the pricing offered they are simply remarkable and will impress both the neophyte and seasoned audiophile. The inexpensive Extreme Standard 2 interconnect offers so much and loses so little in comparison to be a runaway steal. Moving up the ladder to the slightly more expensive Extreme Standard 1 puts you into sonic territory that far exceeds the asking price, offering more refinement and bass power. Is it worth the difference? Yes, indeed. If you appreciate the sonic signature, it is a potential budget reference.

The Extreme Reference 1 Speaker cables capture enough fire and finesse to enhance the performance of the lower-priced interconnects and show even greater potential when paired with higher tier product. They are detailed without being aggressive and smooth without sounding soft, a natural balance which should complement a wide variety of price matches. Although their price precludes them from being defined as a ‘budget reference’, they are still inexpensive enough to be worth a very serious look. Their upper octave refinement and midband palpability places them in a higher performance bracket and if you factor in the versatility of the interchangeable connector system, the Extreme Reference 1s emerge as extreme high value cables that should be next-level benchmark contenders.

The value of the Madison Audio Lab complete combo? Overall the budget loom never sounded budget in any respect and should perform extremely well with the tier of components it is aimed at - and beyond. Impressive and engaging. Madison Audio Lab’s own top products demonstrate that further refinement is available for a more ambitious step in pricing. Who should be interested? If big, bold and organic are where you want to take your system, these are the ticket. The Madison Audio Lab cables have the capacity to put you up on stage with the performers and the veracity to make you enjoy the music.

Who should pass on these? If see-through transparency and razor sharp transients are your priority, these will not be your cup of tea. If you prefer a more recessed perspective with cavernous depth, these cables will put you uncomfortably close to the action.

Quality of packing:
Well designed retail boxes that look upscale and offer practical storage for the components.
Reusability of packing: Yes.
Condition of components received: Perfect.
Delivery: Hand-delivered by Canadian distributor Charisma Audio.
Website comments: Distributor and manufacturer websites are extensive and informative. Upcoming products mean they are a work in progress.
Human interactions: Professional and courteous.
Warranty: 2 year parts and labor.
Final comments & suggestions: Entertainment is about keeping the audience involved and these cables achieve that. Nothing wrong with some well-executed 3D. 

Madison Audio Lab website
Canadian distributor's website