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I tend to consume classics in trance-out mode, i.e. melted into the seat overrun by and immersed in often opulent sounds, chasing the visuals which the musical themes and motives engender to participate in high drama. The Aurora blocked this type of approach. They enforced far more event-oriented consumption.

Rather than follow the grand arcs, I was challenged to deal with each moment, each individual element. I nearly approached the classics like Jazz then. Each instrumental or ensemble entry became an event. This functioned well with compositions of simple structures like Ravel’s simplistic Bolero [Solti, Chicago] which I sat through with excitement despite the belief that I was really done with this piece. But it also came off with more complex fare like Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade. Granted, one has to enjoy this approach of/to the classics. But it’s certainly exhilarating.

With classical music I again noted how absolutely precise the Aurora soundstaged. That Pop and Jazz would be awesome on that count seemed emblematic of the general speaker concept. But that a large orchestral venue would get equally fully illuminated with all participants precisely placed… that I didn’t expect. Especially because I’d always assumed that grand spaces only unfurl properly with the low frequencies intact. The Aurora proved that it works even without infrasonics. I really had zero complaints, neither on the general scale of things nor with specific image focus.

Conclusion. Horn feelings en miniature? I’d say the concept works a treat. Relative to my opening question I’d definitely call the Aurora a specialist. They won’t do everything but what they do they do brilliantly well. And they’re handsome to boot to get ‘em past the eagle-eyed interior design inspector.

Psych profile
  • Don’t expect bass orgies. Lower mids and upper bass are a-okay, taut and cracking. Below is finis.
  • Convincingly natural un-doctored tone colors. Voices have body and urgency. The treble integrates perfectly. The overall impression is fleet and fresh yet never forward or nervy and endowed with a rich harmonic spectrum.
  • Ultra detail and molecular resolution aren’t on the menu though one never encounters anything washed out or blurry.
  • Cozy zoning out isn’t on the menu either not because the speaker is jittery or hyper. Here special talents intrude. These include timing, speed and unleashed dynamics. Across its bandwidth the Aurora rules here and very few boxes will show it any new tricks.
  • Impressive too is the soundstaging. On both general scale and the sorting and sizing of individual performers the Aurora leaves few wishes unanswered.
  • Concept: Widebander in back-loaded horn with super tweeter, special front panel loading
  • Distribution: 30-day direct-sales home trial (returns pay for shipping)
  • Standard finishes: Cherry, Nut, Beech
  • Special offer: €2.200/pr upon committed order and relinquished return option
  • Trim options: Enclosure on demand (veneer or lacquer, likely surcharge); acrylic in white, black, grey, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and brown, cloth in nearly all colors
  • Dimensions and weight: 450 x 250 x 330mm (HxWxD), 14kg/ea.
  • Sensitivity: 90dB
  • Nominal impedance: 4 ohms
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Website
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